Certain Victory
Read the Text: Revelation 12
Memorize the Text:
We give you thanks, Lord God, the Almighty, who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign.
(Revelation 11:17, CSB)
Consider the Text: Revelation 12:11
Revelation 12 is filled with great imagery and prophecy that reveals the coming struggle, war, and ultimate victory. In Revelation 12, we find that Satan and his followers wage war in an attempt to overthrow the authority and position of the Lord. This great battle leads to the ultimate victory by the Lord and the ultimate defeat of Satan and his followers. After this battle, Satan and his followers become bound to Hell. The prophecy in Revelation 12 reveals the Great Enemy, the Great Victor, and the Great Victory.
The great enemy is Satan. Satan attempted to overthrow the Lord because he desired to take the place and position of the Lord. The Lord responded in power and wrath, removed Satan from his position in heaven, and promised eternal casting out of heaven. Since this final victory and casting out has yet to occur, Satan continues to have the ability to appear before the Lord and impact the world. In Job, we find that the evil one had an audience before the Lord. In the Gospels, we find that he appeared to Christ. Here in Revelation, we find that he again wages war.
As the Great Enemy, Satan attempts to plague believers and cause them to stumble and keep unbelievers away from the Lord. Satan is the Great Deceiver, the Father of Lies, and the Great Accuser who attempts to accuse us of guilt before the Lord. He accuses believers of sin and rebellion before the Lord in hopes of turning the Lord against them. Thus, Satan is the Great Enemy of God and the children of God.
Revelation 12 declares that even though we face a great enemy in Satan, we also have a Great Victor in Christ. As Victor, Jesus defeated the death that the enemy attempted to bestow on people. The spilling of the blood of Christ served as the offensive weaponry that guaranteed the enemy’s defeat. The moment of resurrection revealed the power of victory. Jesus modeled victory over Satan when he overcame the temptations and secured eternal victory as the sacrificial lamb.
The Great Victor secured a victory in the moment and for all eternity. The victory did not occur in an isolated battle but gained the guaranteed victory of the war. As Victor, Christ became the champion and the one who held the crown. The victory occurred because it carried out the redemptive plan of the Lord to make way for humanity to gain access to the great victory.
Christ secured the Great Victory. The spoils of the victory were offered to people through a personal, faith-based relationship with Christ. Revelation 12 reminds us that we can never claim victory in our ability but that our triumph comes because of the blood of Christ and the declaration of our testimony which is Christ in us. The victory occurs over the war and is guaranteed not by the might of humanity but through the work of Christ. Thus, we rest in the security of Christ’s victory as the enemy attempts to trip us up in life and accuses us before the Lord.
Revelation 12 offers hope to believers. The prophecy reminds us of our hope that rest in the blood of Christ. The passage reminds us of the Great Enemy that battles against us and of the Warrior King, Jesus, who has already claimed the victory and offered us the eternal spoils of everlasting life. Are you facing the battle hoping for a known and secured victory?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.