Faithful Endurance
Read the Text: Revelation 13
Memorize the Text:
I heard the altar say, Yes, Lord God, the Almighty, true and just are your judgments.
(Revelation 16:17, CSB)
Consider the Text: Revelation 13:10
Training for a long-lasting event takes faithfulness to develop the needed endurance. In the past, I sought to be in better shape. I would exercise and even train to run in a couple of 5K races. Building the endurance needed to complete the race took a faithful commitment to the path of preparation. The same process occurs in the believer's life as one walks through the coming end times. Believers must remain faithful to the Lord to develop endurance and endure the pressure, trials, and tribulation.
The apostle John speaks of the coming Anti-Christ and the pain and torture he will bring upon believers. The goal of this rebellious leader centers on destroying the Kingdom of God, and this leader will significantly influence the world. The apostle noted that many would follow this leader and become faithful to him. Thus, believers become enemies of the state because this worldly leader desires all authority and seeks to eliminate all believers.
John charges believers to remain faithful to the Lord. This charge comes as a call to seek the Lord and to follow the Lord no matter what challenges come from the world. The believer must seek to know the ways and will of the Lord and carry those out. At the same time, the saint must remain aligned with Christ and not waver in the commitment to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior. The ability to remain faithful reveals the authentic nature of one’s relationship with the Lord.
The believer's faithfulness sets a course for developing the strength to endure. Endurance does not come without training. Thus, a believer needs to train to become more grounded in Christ spiritually. The training often brings difficult challenges that expand one’s faith and understanding. These moments of pain stretch the believer and cause a deepening of spiritual strength. This development happens as believers engage God’s Word, speak to the Lord in prayer, and live faithfully to the Lord.
The needed spiritual development does not occur without a solid commitment. May temptations lead us to neglect the spiritual disciplines necessary to grow in Christ. Thus, one’s faithfulness to the Lord must fuel their desire and faithfulness to participate in the needed spiritual growth. The preparation time allows believers to strengthen their life for the coming difficulty ahead and to engage this trying time with faithfulness to the Lord.
John details how the Anti-Christ attempts to silence Christianity by persecuting the saints. The time of his rule forms a time of pain for believers that includes great trials of various sorts. However, the developed spiritual endurance from faithful spiritual training prepares the believer to endure and navigate these difficult times. Believers find the ability to rest in the Lord through the pain, trust in the promises of the Lord in the threats and find hope amid darkness.
As we think about Revelation 13 and the coming time of trials and tribulation, how are you preparing to navigate these times? Are you living in faithfulness to the Lord, who controls and leads every component of your life? Are you participating in the needed spiritual training to endure the pressures of this world? Will you commit to begin or continuing your spiritual training?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at