Eternity and Death
Read the Text: Revelation 14
Memorize the Text:
I heard the altar say, Yes, Lord God, the Almighty, true and just are your judgments.
(Revelation 16:17, CSB)
Consider the Text: Revelation 14:13-16
The moment of death leads to the moment of eternal judgment. Death occurs because of the effects of sin on the physical body. When this happens, every individual stands before the Lord to hear the words “well done” or “depart from me.” These words come as an eternal sentence from the Lord. Those who hear the words “well done” enter the eternal presence of the Lord in heaven and enjoy the spoils of eternal life. The ones who hear, “depart from me,” receive the guilty sentence of God’s eternal wrath in the place called Hell. As John shares in Revelation 14, he speaks to this eternal guilty or non-guilty reality.
John notes in verse 6 that a time occurs right before the second coming when all of creation will hear the gospel declaration. The message of good news comes with a heavenly announcement to repent and receive Christ as Lord and Savior. This offer extends to every tribe, tongue, and nation. As a result, all have the opportunity to receive God’s gift of eternal life. The good news extends as an inclusive invitation (inviting all) with an exclusive nature (in Christ alone). The same occurs today as well. When the gospel is proclaimed, it must be declared to all so they may respond to the one true Messiah, Jesus.
The apostle John reminds believers of the promise that comes with eternal life. The first part of the promise comes as the certainty of the blessed nature of eternity. John heard a voice that announced, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” The promise of reward through the faithful living through the difficulty. The believer who endures this world's persecution, temptations, and struggles receives a blessing from their faithfulness. Part of the blessing comes as “rest from their laborers.” The concept of “rest from their laborers” notes the reality of a place of no more persecution, temptations, and struggles. The idea affirms the promise of no more tears or struggles. Today, we must recognize that faithfulness in the Lord continues to store up treasure for the coming day of blessing.
The crushing wrath of God comes to those who reject the gospel invitation. The wrath exists as eternal in nature and involves everlasting torment. The moment of judgment brings forth this eternal punishment and secures the guilty to eternal punishment in Hell. The idea of eternal death does not mean the ceasing of exists, but instead is the eternal separation from the Lord and the eternal receiving of the wrath of God. As the believer receives an eternal blessing, the unbeliever receives eternal punishment. Today, this reality must motivate believers to share the gospel so that others may not face the reality of eternal death.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at