Eternal Praise
Read the Text: Revelation 15
Memorize the Text:
I heard the altar say, Yes, Lord God, the Almighty, true and just are your judgments.
(Revelation 16:17, CSB)
Consider the Text: Revelation 15:1-4
We often isolate praise and worship to a certain moment during a given week. Commonly, this time occurs during a weekly worship service in a local church. Though this moment includes worship, it does not provide a complete concept of worship. Worship must be more than words or songs; worship must be the totality of our life in Christ and our faithful walk with Him. In Revelation 15:1-4, the apostle John speaks to the practice of eternal worship of the Lord by the saints. This declaration reveals the importance of practicing the art of worship to eternally praise the Lord.
The apostle John mentions the reward of the saints as the ability to live in the eternal presence of the Lord and praise him. The reward comes as believers escape the deserved doom of Hell and receive the blessing of eternal life. The reward occurs because of the believer's relationship with Jesus and not because of their moral goodness or self-righteousness. Thus, a saint is a follower of Christ because they are moved from the status of a sinner to the state of sainthood. When one becomes a saint, it occurs not because of their vast goodness but instead indicates that they now live as one set apart for the Lord. Thus, as a saint, they become set apart to dwell with the Lord forever.
The saint enters eternity with the task of worshiping the Lord forever. The believer must rejoice in the character of the Lord because he is perfect in righteousness and holiness. He is high and lifted and deserving of all praise. Believers must rejoice in his might and promised victory. The saint declares the greatness of the Lord and rejoices out of the gratefulness of redemption that opens the door to the eternal blessing of life everlasting. The rejoicing of the saint becomes fueled by the work of the Lord, and thus the Lord becomes the center of all one is.
Today, we must prepare for our eternal task by worshiping the Lord. Our worship must be declared through gathering moments and in every moment of life. We must seek to live in a manner that prepares us to worship eternally and the Lord alone. Thus, we need to battle the desires of the flesh that seek to taint our worship. We must assess our desire to worship and analyze the reasons we worship. Are you participating in the art of practicing worship? Are you practicing the task you will carry out for all eternity?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at