Easy-Believism Versus Costly Faith

Read the Text: Luke 14

Memorize the Text:   And I say to you, anyone who acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels in heaven. (Luke 12:8)

Consider the Text: Luke 14:25-35

Modern day Christianity has fallen prey to the movement of easy-believism. Easy-believism is the type of faith that can best be described as: fire insurance, a warm feeling, faith and the ability to continue in sin, or the knowledge of Jesus and the dependance on a reciting a certain prayer. This type of response to Jesus centers on a transaction with the Savior instead of transformation. This form of belief occurs as counter to the faith declared in God’s Word. 

Today, we read Luke 14:25-35 and recognize that genuine faith that leads to salvation is costly. The authentic faith revealed by the Lord through His Word differs from a faith based on an earthly perspective. Thus, we need to evaluate our relationship with the Lord and assess if we are living with an authentic, costly faith or resting in a pseudo-faith of easy-believism. 

We must understand the THREAT OF EASY-BELIEVISM. Such an approach to faith constructs one’s belief on a groundless foundation. It appears real and genuine because it launches with excitement, but withers aways because no genuine foundation exists to hold it up. The lack of a foundation means that one rejects the need to surrender to the Lord, study the Word, or grow on a firm foundation.  

A secondary concern of easy-believism exists because such a faith centers on the self instead of Christ. The one who lives with such a faith seeks the benefits of living for Christ as an answer to: “What is in it for me?” Such a belief mirrors the belief of demons who know the exists of God but fail to have a saving faith. Thus, the bible tells us that they shudder. 

Luke noted that CHRISTIANITY IS COSTLY. He informed believers that a genuine faith leads one to take up their cross. Such an activity means that the believer readily suffers for their faith, even in the face of ridicule and mocking. They face the threat of martyrdom in faith because of their genuine faith. Followers of Christ do not receive exemption from cross bearing. Rather, we need to understand that taking up the cross is a normative component of genuine faith. 

When a follower of Christ has genuine faith, then they renounce the things of this world and follows Christ completely. They make Christ the priority of their life and do not place any person, place, event, activity, or things above the Lord. The path of following Jesus is traveled in an intentional and purposeful nature toward the goal of following Christ. 

When we understand the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EASY-BELIEVISM AND COSTLY CHRISTIANITY, we must analyze our life concerning our relationship with the Lord. Easy-believism exists as tasteless salt. When salt loses its taste, it is no longer pure or useful. When salt becomes useless, it cannot even function as fertilizer or a catalyst for burning, it is just worth casting out. The same it true with easy-believism. It is worthless and deserves nothing but being cast out and in this case it is cast into hell. 

Costly faith is like salt that remains pure and useful. It carries a seasoning quality as it provides a purpose for life here on earth. It gives off a fertilizing quality as it aids continued growth in the kingdom of God and in other believers. It carries a preserving quality as it hopes to preserve those set for ruin and provide an opportunity for rescue. Thus, a costly faith becomes part of the salt of the earth. 

Which type of faith do you have? Are you resting in a easy-believism that provides a false sense of security and continually leads you toward an eternal separation from God? Are you living in a costly faith that is authentic and saving? We must guard against declaring an easy-believism message and call people to consider the cost when following Jesus.  to respond to his leading in faithfulness? As we read this parable today, may we consider our faithfulness to the Lord and our fruitfulness for his kingdom. 

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.


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