A Short Story on Grace

Read the Text: Luke 15

Memorize the Text:   And I say to you, anyone who acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels in heaven. (Luke 12:8)

Consider the Text: Luke 15:11-32

Often, our desires and wants go against the ways of God, which lead us to live in a manner of seeking our will be done and our desire be met instead of the will and desires of the Lord. At times, God allows our will and desires to occur to form a moment that leads to an opportunity to return to him. The parable of the Prodigal Son explains to us how God will use our stubbornness and selfishness many times to call us back to him and how he waits for us to return. This story demonstrates the grace of a waiting father ready to receive a wayward child. 

The parable describes a SELFISH SON. The selfish son made a devastating request. He asked for his inheritance while the father still lived. The request basically wished for the death of the father. The desire of the son centered on living for the self and fulfilling the desires he had. His request flowed from a rebellious life that became evident through a party lifestyle and ignoring morality. Ultimately, this form of living left the selfish son with nothing and at the end of his rope. 

The selfish son has a PITY FILLED REVELATION. The moment of despair brought forth an awareness of his wayward condition and destructive behavior. He entered a moment of decision on whether he would continue in sin or alter his course. He chose the path of repentance. He made honest confession of his sin and wrongdoing and acknowledged responsibility of his wayward life. 

The selfish son has a DESIRED CHANGE. His decision led him to make the determination to return to the father. The return came in a different manner. He left as a rebellious kid and returned as a humble servant. The ability to return occurred because he viewed his only hope as returning to the father he abandoned and disowned. The desire to change motivated the ability to go home. 

The father awaits and responds with UNDESERVED MERCY AND GRACE. We find the father waiting and looking for his son to return. He is attentive and desires to see his son traveling the road home. As he sees his son, he welcomes him with open arms. We are told that he sprinted to his son and grabbed him. He wanted his son back and readily welcomed him. In fact, he honored the son by placing the best robe on his shoulders, a ring on his finger, and sandals on his feet. The father did not have to give the son anything or welcome him home, but he chose to extend a grace and mercy filled welcome. 

The other son just DOESN’T UNDERSTAND. The other son could not accept the father’s decision to welcome the wayward son home. He could not respond in grace and mercy, but in justice of the world. He questioned the judgment of the father because the wayward son wished for his death and yet he opened his home back to him and rewarded him. The other son could not grasp grace or mercy, but just wanted a reward in fairness. 

The story of the Prodigal Son reveals the fleshly, sinful nature that separates us from our heavenly Father. We often declare our independence which leads us down a path to the end of our rope. At the moment of revelation we come to our senses and seek to return home. In the return, we find the Father waiting with open arms to welcome us home. What a great promise. At the same time, the parable provided a great warning. We must guard against responding and acting like the older son. We must guard against making our faith transactional and based on fleshly fairness. Which son are you?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.


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