Cry Out Holy
Read the Text: Revelation 4
Memorize the Text:
Remember, then, what you have received and heard; keep it, and repent. If you are not alert, I will come like a thief, and you have no idea at what hour I will come upon you
(Revelation 3:3 CSB)
Consider the Text: Revelation 4:8
The apostle John provides a picture of worship occurring in heaven. He shares four living creatures that worship the Lord continually and cries out, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God, the Almighty, who was, who is, and who is to come.” The declaration of the heavenly portrays an image of worship and a declaration of the one worthy of worship alone. The praise reminds us of our call to continually worship the one alone worthy of praise.
The holiness of God reveals the unique nature of God. In holiness, the Lord exists, set apart from humanity and sin. The idea of holiness indicates the perfection and purity of the Lord while also revealing the exclusive nature of the Lord. Thus, the very nature of holiness requires a response of praise. When we recognize the holiness of God, we come before Him in rejoicing, praise, and recognition.
The holiness of God does not lack in any way. The repeating of the term three times reveals the ultimate nature of the holiness of God. The creatures declare that the Lord alone is the holy and the very definition of holiness and must receive praise. Thus, we need to see the true holiness of the Lord. We must recognize Him alone as holy and see holiness defined in His person and character, not humanity's ideas. Such recognition leads us to a position and activity of authentic worship.
John characterizes the Lord as the Lord God, the Almighty. The reference reveals the nature and character of God as the All-Powerful. The Lord alone has the power to create, sustain, and recreate. He gives His children more than the needed strength to carry out His will. Nothing is too great or powerful for God to deal with because He is almighty. In His omnipotent nature, he faced death. In His almighty nature, He conquered death. In His almighty nature, He redeems.
The Lord as Almighty calls us to a heart of worship. A response to the almighty power of God must leave us in a state of humility and awe. This state should guide our hearts to continual recognition and rejoicing in the Lord. The Lord, God Almighty, provides more than enough strength for living in obedience before the Lord. When we experience His all-powerful nature, we must bow before Him.
John often uses the terms who was, who is, and who is to come in the book of Revelation. These words reveal the eternal nature of the Lord. When we consider the eternal nature combined with the omnipotent nature of the Lord, we understand that the Lord is the one who has always existed, exists now, and will continue to live forever and is the one who causes all things from beginning to end. This overarching nature of the Lord drives believers to the place of worship and trust in the goodness of the Lord.
The eternal nature of the Lord provides certainty to hope that comes from the promise of life and restoration for followers of Christ. The eternal nature gives certainty because of the foundational nature. Thus, when we come to worship the everlasting God, we worship with a heart resting in the certain hope that extends from His holy, all-powerful, eternal nature.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at