Don’t Be Distracted By The Results

Read the Text: Acts 25

Memorize the Text:  

He said to me, “Go, because I will send you far away to the Gentiles.” (Acts 22:21)

Consider the Text: Acts 25

In Acts 26, the apostle Paul demonstrated the importance of sharing Christ faithfully and not becoming deterred by the varying responses of the hearers. As Paul shared with the leaders he faced, they rejected the invitation to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. This response varied from previous responses where people said yes to the invitation to follow Christ through the apostle's ministry. Yet, these negative responses did not stop the apostle from dedicating his life to the continual sharing of the gospel. When we see Paul’s evangelistic ministry, we need to recognize the three possible responses to the sharing of Christ.

First, some people will say YES to Jesus. Paul experienced much evangelistic success throughout his ministry. Time and time again, he would share the gospel, and people would respond to the invitation of Christ positively. He witnessed the power of the gospel as people turned from the pagan ways of the first century and began to live for Christ. Such a response served as constant fuel for Paul’s continued evangelistic zeal.

Second, some people will say NO to Jesus. Paul’s evangelistic ministry did not always bring a positive response. Times in his ministry included moments when people responded by rejecting the gospel. This rejection included personal attacks he endured from time to time because the people rejected Christ. When people denied the invitation of Christ, the response did not ultimately extend to Paul but was a response to Jesus. Thus, Paul continued in ministry and would not become deterred by the negative response because he knew his calling to share and his responsibility did not include forcing people to receive.

Third, some people will say MAYBE to Jesus. The crowd that responded with maybe just kicked the proverbial can down the road. They may have experienced intrigue to the message, but they did not want to surrender to the Lord completely. Thus, they often found an excuse or reason to respond with the stall tactic of maybe. These individuals sometimes communicated that they needed to hear more of the gospel. The key again centers on the truth that the delayed response did not reflect on the apostle but existed as a rejection of Christ.

We must remember that our calling remains to SHARE, no matter the response. The response to the gospel should not adjust our passion or desire to share the gospel. The Lord has called each believer to share his message and extend his invitation to eternal life. We can never force anyone to respond positively or negatively. The task we have responsibility for is the ministry to share Christ. Thus, evangelism must be an act of obedience because we understand our calling to share. How are you obediently sharing Jesus? Have you allowed the varying responses or the fear of varying responses to lead you to unfaithfulness?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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