Live a Desirable Life

Read the Text: Acts 25

Memorize the Text:   He said to me, “Go, because I will send you far away to the Gentiles.” (Acts 22:21)

Consider the Text: Acts 25

The life of the believer draws the attention of the lost. Paul's life throughout Acts gained the attention of the religious and political leaders of the day. The people could not understand the change that occurred in the apostle's life and could not tolerate the life he lived. As a result, the crowds of rejection sought to silence his life because his life revealed the true desires of their hearts. In Acts 25, Paul stands trial before Festus because of the accusations of people who disliked the apostle.

A desirable life SEEKS to follow the ways of the Lord. Paul approached life with a deep desire to walk in faithfulness. He wanted to live for Christ in a manner that exemplified the power and presence of Christ in his life. Thus, he intentionally focused on seeking to understand and know the ways of the Lord so that he could walk faithfully in life. As the apostle walked according to the ways of the Lord, Paul focused on staying faithful through it all.

A desirable life STANDS for Christ no matter what opposition is faced. The apostle refused to backtrack on his relationship with Christ. Paul knew where he stood with the Lord and rested there no matter the opposition that came toward him. Paul stood on the foundation of Christ, which remained solid and never failed. Paul lived a life that existed as desirable because he rested on Christ and stood his ground in Christ.

A desirable life SHOUTS the truth of Christ in word and deed. Paul spoke about Jesus as he engaged Festus and other rulers. While on trial, the apostle used the opportunity to declare the truth of Christ and the message of the gospel with clarity. Paul did not adjust the message to become relevant to the audience, but he declared the unchanging message of redemption. Paul’s life mirrored his declaration. His actions in life confirmed the words spoken and demonstrated the reality of the power of the gospel in one’s life. Thus, Paul shouted the gospel to the masses in word and deed.

When we see the apostle Paul facing the rulers like Festus, we should be challenged to analyze our life. Are we living in a manner that seeks to follow the Lord no matter what hurdle or struggle we face? Are we prepared to stand for Christ even when the world attempts to destroy our standing? Are we shouting the truth of Christ through our words and deeds? Could Luke write an account of our lives being desirable like he does for the apostle Paul in Acts 25?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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