The World Accuses

Read the Text: Acts 24

Memorize the Text:   He said to me, “Go, because I will send you far away to the Gentiles.” (Acts 22:21)

Consider the Text: Acts 24

Living for Jesus means a believer lives in a manner that exists counter to the world. The world's ways focus on the advancement of the self at any cost and living for the joy of the moment instead of what lies ahead. A believer lives according to the ways of the Word. Such a life means a Christian seeks to live according to the moral directives of the Lord, carry out the will of the Lord, and extend love to the Lord and others. Such a life draws the world's attention and threatens the world's passions and desires. This tension leads to people attempting to silence Christians through various forms of accusations. In Acts 24, we find that the people of the world in the first century attempted to falsely accuse the apostle Paul to silence his declaration of the gospel and stop his ministry for the kingdom of God.

The people presented a CASE to the authorities to stop Paul. The people desiring to stop the apostle's ministry brought accusations to the authorities to cause Paul great pain. These accusations did not carry merit but were developed for the sole purpose of disruption and pain. The case originated as a story to form a narrative that made Paul appear to be against the leaders of the day. Thus, the people desired to lead the authorities down a path that led to Paul's imprisonment or death. 

The people presented a CELEBRATION of the government's work to the authorities. The people praised the leadership that established peace among them. They gave the worldly leaders credit for the peace and flattered their ears, telling them they needed their leadership instead of the Lord. Often, the world attempts to elevate political and worldly leaders to where only Jesus should reside. The celebration of the leaders demonstrated a misplaced understanding of true peace and a place of rescue.

The people presented a CLAIM of Paul being an agitator. Though they made a case against the apostle, calling Paul an agitator identified him as a problem causer in society. They viewed his worldview as backward and harmful to society. They believed that he threatened their way of life—the intent of the claim centered on the destruction of Paul's influence and impact upon the culture.

Today, believers live in a world where people make a case against Christians. The world provides accusations against believers as existing as unloving by focusing on what Christians believe concerning various sinful issues. Likewise, many in society reject Christ as the ultimate solution and instead provide praise and support to earthly leaders that cannot redeem anything. Today, Christian face people who claim that believers agitate others by being hateful or unloving when calling out sinful activity.

The apostle Paul faced these dynamics in faith. He never surrendered his faith or adjusted his beliefs; instead, he leaned on the Lord and rested on Christ as his foundation. The same is true for believers today. We must face these dynamics in faith and remain unwavering as we deal with false accusations from culture. We must set a course of faithfulness built on nothing but the solid foundation of Christ.

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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