The Religious Barrier

Read the Text: Acts 23

Memorize the Text:   He said to me, “Go, because I will send you far away to the Gentiles.” (Acts 22:21)

Consider the Text: Acts 23

The apostle Paul faced hostility in Acts 23. This opposition and threat came from the Jewish religious leaders of the day. The ministry of the apostle drew the attention of the religious leaders because of the effect on their professional, public, and personal lives. The impact of the apostle's ministry led the religious leaders to seek to destroy Paul and his ministry to save their ministry. As we understand the threat experienced by the apostle Paul, we need to assess if we ever allow our religious identity to oppose our walk with the Lord.

The religious leaders threatened Paul because his gospel proclamation threatened them PROFESSIONALLY. The professional position of the religious leaders brought them glory. They held an occupation that brought great respect from others. The people looked at these religious leaders as men of great wisdom and renown. As Paul presented the gospel, the professional lives of the religious leaders became threatened because following Christ authentically changed people's allegiance from the religious order of the day to a relationship with Jesus. Thus, the religious leaders' livelihoods became threatened.

Today, following Jesus could affect our professional lives. Following Jesus may mean that we lose a sale or a promotion because we choose to live by a kingdom ethic and reject living according to the world. When we become unwatchful, a barrier forms because of the existence of professional life, and thus it can hinder us from following Jesus. Therefore, we need to seek to follow Jesus in faithfulness and battle against the barrier to obedience. What form of a professional life hinders your faithfulness?

The religious leaders opposed Paul because his gospel proclamation threatened them PUBLICALLY. Paul did not proclaim Christ in secret, but he boldly declared Christ publicly. As a result, the religious leaders faced opposition in front of others. This caused embarrassment and anger because their reputation came under attack before the gathered people. The religious leaders were concerned with their public persona and attempted to deflect any attempt to tarnish their public image.

Today, following Jesus could impact how people perceive us. This causes moments of struggle in following Jesus because we overconcern ourselves with how people see us. As we receive the call from Christ to be on mission for him publicly, we need to battle against the temptation to fail at living for Jesus because we are concerned about how people see us. How can you make sure you are more concerned with obedience to Christ than being overconcerned with people's perceptions?

The religious leaders sought to destroy Paul because his gospel proclamation threatened them PERSONALLY. The professional and public arenas form a threat internally because these areas impact people personally. When people feel attacked personally or feel their security in life being challenged, then people respond by attempting to end the threat. The religious leaders faced that because of Paul. He threatened to destroy their security through their professional and public arenas. Thus, they responded to Paul by seeking to kill him.

Today, we need to identify the personal parts of our life that form barriers to obedience to Christ. These personal components often reveal the securities that Christ challenges and reveal what we need to abandon to respond in faithfulness. If we respond like the religious leaders of the first century, we will seek to destroy and remove anything that threatens our life.

Like first-century religious leaders, the proclamation of the gospel and the call of Christ often challenges us. This challenge forms barriers in the professional, public, and personal areas of life. As you think about possible obstacles in life, may you seek the Lord and ask for victory over them.

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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