Faith Is . . .

Read the Text: Hebrews 11

Memorize the Text:  

Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen

(Hebrews 11:1, CSB)

Consider the Text: Hebrews 11:1

Hebrews 11 centers on defining and illustrating authentic faith. The author opens the chapter with a definition of faith and then proceeds to prove the definition. This focus compelled believers to live in genuine faith and to follow the model of faith set forth by spiritual ancestors. When we consider faith today, we need to seek to live in an authentic faith as defined and described in Hebrews 11.  

Faith carries a guaranteed nature with it. Faith is not an abstract concept that one wishes to be true. Instead, faith provides hope because of certainty that extends because of the person and promises of the Lord. Thus, faith is a guaranteeing reality because believers live in the guarantees extended by the promises of the Lord. In Hebrews 11:1, the author states that these traits are assurance, conviction, and hope.


When an individual becomes a follower of Christ, they enter into a contract as they commit their lives to the Lord. The agreement offers forgiveness and eternal life and comes with a guarantee because the Lord provides the need to fulfill the contractual obligation. Thus, due to the promise of the Lord, believers live in a certain confidence that no matter what comes our way, we have the presence and promises of the Lord. When we think about assurance in faith, we need to understand that this faith provides the foundation that does not fail and provides sure footing through all of life. Are you resting on the assurance of faith?


The follower of Christ lives under the conviction to trust in the Lord throughout life. Such an approach to life indicates that the Christian grasps hold of a certain foundation and trust in the unseen future because of the relationship with the Lord. Thus we live under the guidance and rule of God'sGod's kingdom. We rest in what we cannot physically see but know completely. We seek to live with absolute trust in the Lord and hold the future is good because of the Lord. Are you living in the conviction and certainty of the unseen that brings hope? 


The life of the believers demonstrates living hope. The believer trust in hope that has a certain future and not hopes as wishing for a good future. The hope of the world centers on obtaining prosperity, while the hope of the Lord holds that even if I suffer, the Lord is good, and I trust the future in him. The follower of Christ lives in hope by trusting in the Spirit's leading over the senses' presence. They seek to follow the Spirit's leading and not be tossed to and fro by the changing emotions. At the same time, hope exists because of looking to the future instead of focusing on the present. Are you living in hope, or are you just hoping to live?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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