Three Keys to Living Well

Read the Text: Hebrews 10

Memorize the Text:  

Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen

(Hebrews 11:1, CSB)

Consider the Text: Hebrews 10:19-25

Followers of Christ receive a call to live according to the will and ways of the Lord. This command does not occur haphazardly but takes intentionality. We need to heed the instructions of the author of Hebrews and see to draw near to God, hold on to authentic hope, and be an instrument of encouragement for others. How are you seeking to fulfill these instructions?


The author of Hebrews exhorts believers to draw near to the Lord. The concept of drawing near centers on growing closer to the Lord. The beautiful nature of drawing near occurs when we approach the Lord with confidence because of the boldness gained to approach due to the blood of Christ. The blood of Christ opens the doorway to draw near because of the reconciliation of the relationship. As you seek to draw near to the Lord, you need to approach with a sincere heart, which comes in full assurance of faith. Are you approaching the Lord in confidence and boldness? Are you drawing nearer to the Lord? 


The author of Hebrews exhorts believers to approach the Lord with the hope of certainty. The ability to hold on means we must constantly hold tight to the Lord by latching ourselves to him. In this latching, we find our hope and trust in the Lord and rest on the foundation that is Christ. As a result, we find hope that does not move or fade away but remains firm in every situation. The existence of authentic hope means that we do not draw near wishing that the relationship will grow, but we approach with the certainty of Christ's presence. How are you approaching the Lord in hope? Is your hope confident or wishy? 


The author of Hebrews instructs believers to live a life of encouragement. As an encourager, we need to live out love in a manner that builds others up and encourages individuals in their walk with the Lord. Encouragement comes through serving others and providing words of affirmation that boost others to follow Christ. In addition, the encouragement promotes fellowship with others through service and uplifting one another when walking through difficulty. Are you a person that is an encourager? Are you walking with others to support them in their walk with Christ?

The ability to live well occurs when we live a life in Christ. To live in Christ, we need to grow in our relationship by drawing near him. We must live trusting completely in him with a certain hope. We need to serve as vessels of encouragement that build up the body of Christ. Are you living well?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


Faith Is . . .


The Significance of the Blood