The Significance of the Blood
Read the Text: Hebrews 9
Memorize the Text:
Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen
(Hebrews 11:1, CSB)
Consider the Text: Hebrews 9:7
The blood of Christ is necessary for eternal life. We sing songs about needing nothing but the blood of Jesus and how the blood cleanses us white as snow. The author of Hebrews points to the spilled blood of Christ in Hebrews 9 and reminds us of the significance of Christ's blood. Let us take a moment today and reflect and rejoice in the blood of Christ.
Atonement is the reparation for an offense or injury. In the sense of a relationship with the Lord, we need atonement. After all, we exist in a severed relationship with the Lord because we commit an offense against him with our sin. Thus, we deserve punishment because a penalty must occur due to the sin. The spilling of Christ's blood gave proper atonement because he died a sinless death. Thus, he gave his life so that we could have life. Therefore, we need to rejoice in thankfulness for the atonement available because of the blood of Christ.
In Leviticus, we find that the blood of sacrifices had to cover the priest, the family, and the people. The priest needed covering because he lived a life made of flesh and dealt with the reality of sin. Thus, to combat the sin issue of life, the priest needed covering by the blood of the sacrificial lamb. Similarly, the family and the people required covering in the blood because of the sin disease they battled. One must be covered by blood to receive atonement. Thus, we must be covered in the blood of Christ to receive the gift of eternal life. Are you living covered in Christ's blood?
Humanity lives a life soiled by the presence of sin. The acts of disobedience separate us from the Lord and leave us as filthy rags before the Holy God. We need cleansing that cannot come through physical or external scrubbing or by the work of humanity. Instead, we must receive cleansing from the Lord through the blood of Christ. The stain of sin can only be cleansed by the ultimate stain fighter, the blood of Christ. The blood cleanses and removes the stain entirely and leaves one white as snow. Have you been cleansed by the blood of Christ?
The blood exists as the only key to the entry point of living with Christ. Cleanses occurs nowhere else but in Christ which is available because of the spilled blood. When we follow the blood of Christ, we are led to the cross, which reveals the sacrifice given that we could have life. The blood signifies the currency used to pay the debt of sin and the detergent to cleanse the filthiness of sin. The blood is not an option to accept or not but is a requirement for the redeemed.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at