Four Point Concerning The New Covenant
Read the Text: Hebrews 8
Memorize the Text:
Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen
(Hebrews 11:1, CSB)
Consider the Text: Hebrews 8:8-13
The author of Hebrews continues to expand on comparing the Old Covenant priest and Jesus. This comparison laid the groundwork for understanding Jesus as the need Great High Priest who sacrificed the self to make an avenue for eternal reconciliation. As the author continues, he notes four points concerning the New Covenant. These points reveal a promise and a hope to those who receive the gift of salvation through Christ.
The Old Covenant made the law known through words engraved on tablets and scrolls. These words were taught and declared to the people so they may know the expectations of the law and understand how to live for him. The presence of the law revealed the sinful nature and provided the understanding of one's need for a Redeemer. Thus, the people remained dependent upon the transmission of the law to discover their need for a Savior.
The New Covenant brought forth a new placement of the law. The author of Hebrews declared that the law now exists in the minds and hearts of God's people. Thus, the people no longer relied upon the engraved tablets or penned scrolls but followed the leading of the Lord as He engaged with each. He provided the law in their minds and hearts, which enabled them to know their desperate need for redemption without an external source of the law. Thus, we today continue to journey with the law inscribed on our hearts and in our minds. How does the placement of the law in the minds and the hearts encourage your walk with Jesus?
The Old Covenant provided a way for reconciliation with the Lord to occur. In the Old Covenant, the reconciliation occurred through annual and repeated sacrifices and living out the law obediently. Thus, the relationship with the Lord became more contingent on one's faithfulness, obedience, and practice which became broken repeatedly.
The New Covenant offered an avenue for a restored relationship to occur once and for all. The relationship did not become dependent on one's faithfulness, obedience, and practice of the law, but instead, the restored relationship rested on the Lord. The Lord, through Christ, formed a way for reconciliation to occur through a relationship with Jesus and not the participation with the Old Covenant sacrifices for reconciliation. What are you resting in for a restored relationship with the Lord? Are you resting in your merit or on the work of Christ?
The New Covenant provided the promise to one's ability to know the Lord. In the Old Testament, the people needed a mediator between them and the Lord. This mediator represented the people before the Lord. Thus, the individuals in the Old Covenant did not fully know the Lord; instead, they rested in knowing about Him through His works and the words of those teaching him.
In the New Covenant, we can know the Lord intimately. The needed mediator does not act like an earthly mediator because the Son of God is the mediator. He is the one who redeems and speaks on behalf of His own. The presence of the Holy Spirit enables believers to sense the leading and directing of the Lord in one's life and provides a promise and hope because of the ability to know the Lord intimately and to trust in His work in one's life. How does knowing that you can know the Lord intimately encourage your walk as a believer?
The Old Covenant offered forgiveness through the act of annual and ritual sacrifice. These sacrifices must be repeated because of the constant sin in people's lives. Though these acts of sacrifice formed avenues to forgiveness, they did not bring forth an eternal form of forgiveness that would be offered in the New Covenant.
The New Covenant offered forgiveness because Christ made truly needed eternal sacrifice on the cross, and the resurrection claimed the ultimate victory. Thus, God formed a way for humanity to receive forgiveness even though the forgiveness was not deserved. Through grace and mercy, the Lord gave His Son as the truly needed sacrifice so that we could experience forgiveness. Have you experienced the true forgiveness offered in Christ?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at