Four Keys for Living Out the Gospel

Read the Text: 1 Corinthians 9

Memorize the Text:  

But be careful that this right of yours in no way becomes a stumbling block to the weak.

(1 Corinthians 8:9, CSB)

Consider the Text: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23

The life of the believer should desire to live for the gospel. A life lived in this manner must mirror the ways and will of the Lord and declare the way unto salvation to the world. Living in this manner requires effort and intentionality. The apostle Paul provided four keys to living for the gospel in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 as he challenged the believers in Corinth to live for the sake of the gospel. These keys extend beyond the church in Corinth and reach believers today.



Paul challenged believers to use their freedom as an opportunity to make themselves a servant to all for the sake of leading others to Christ. Paul’s argument flows from his previous discussion in 1 Corinthians 8 concerning the threat of allowing one’s freedom to become sin. Here, the apostle called on believers to treat others in a manner that reflects the selfless and sacrificial nature of Christ to reach others for the Kingdom of God.

The motivation to elevate others above the self comes from the command to love others (John 13:34) and a concern for their eternity (1 Corinthians 9:22). These motivations extend from one’s desire to fulfill the calling of the Lord to each believer in the Great Commission to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:16-20) and the Great Commandment of loving God and others (Matthew 22:36-40).  

Today, we live in a culture that promotes self-centered focus and uses people at all costs to promote the self. In churches, we fight the temptation to want everything the way we like or desire and do not concern ourselves with others. The ability to fulfill the Great Commission must begin with the abandonment of this worldly mentality and a return to a life of elevating others with the intent of reaching them with the gospel so that we may live out the Great Commission and Great Commandment.


The apostle discussed the importance of understanding the cultural context of the environment believers dwell in at any moment. He mentioned that he intentionally sought to live like a Jew when he dwelt among Jews, as a pagan when among the pagans, and identify with the weak in their weakness. Paul’s message was not acceptance of the lifestyles of these individuals in need of Christ. Instead, Paul did not practice anything in their midst that would hinder the ability of the audience to listen to the message of the gospel. At the same time, he would not freely engage in activity against the cross because it would destroy the message he would declare. Paul’s intent centered on gaining an audience and communicating the gospel with them.

When Paul dwelt with the Jews, he engaged with religious individuals. Thus, he could use conversation topics that centered upon the Old Testament Scriptures and point people to Christ through the use of the prophets. When he engaged those without the knowledge of the law, he would use language from creation or the culture to point to a Creator and a need for the Redeemer. The apostle practiced these approaches during his missionary journeys in the book of Acts. Likewise, when Paul mentioned the weak and joined them in their weakness, he spoke about the reality of identifying with their condition and earning an audience with them through genuine compassion.

Today, believers must seek avenues to open dialogue concerning the gospel and show individuals the truth. We need to understand how to engage the Christian cultural worldview and share with them, Jesus. At the same time, we must develop the ability to address individuals completely unaware of Christianity and invite them to Jesus. Part of the key exists in the ability to identify with the individual where they are to share and share with them who Jesus is and where he desires them to be.



Paul noted that everything he did focused on “winning some.” The apostle did not expect to reach everyone; he engaged with the message of the gospel. He knew their response did not occur because of him, but he must be faithful in offering the invitation that they could respond. Paul knew that three responses were possible: yes, no, maybe. Paul’s key for the church comes in understanding the various responses and not becoming deterred in one’s faithfulness to the mission when differing responses happen.

Today, Christians need to remember the responsibility to share the gospel does not require a certain number of positive responses. Instead, we need to know that some will respond to the gospel with affirmation while others reject the message. When we approach sharing with the proper perspective, we set a course to remain faithful in sharing without finding our value and effectiveness to God’s Kingdom in the results.


Paul’s challenge to the church in Corinth extended through the example in his life. Everything he attempted to do focused on the gospel ministry and the expansion of the Kingdom of God. He built his ministry on the motivation from the gospel to go and share. He constructed the work of evangelism using the unchanging message of the gospel. He created a moment to invite people to receive the gospel. Each one of these rested on the foundation of the gospel.

Today, believers must build their life and ministry on the gospel. We need to allow the gospel to motivate us to go and share the message of the gospel with the desire to invite people to Jesus. We must guard the message we declare and make sure the message is the gospel alone, not a distorted message. We must invite people to Jesus more than we invite them to church or coffee. We must make the gospel foundational in all we do.

Will you commit to elevating others above the self to share the gospel? Will you find contextual ways to share the gospel? Will you not allow differing responses to deter the sharing of the gospel? Will you go forth building on the foundation of the gospel? Will you become all to reach some?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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