Give No Offense; Glorify God

Read the Text: 1 Corinthians 10

Memorize the Text:  

But be careful that this right of yours in no way becomes a stumbling block to the weak.

(1 Corinthians 8:9, CSB)

Consider the Text: 1 Corinthians 10:23-33

As believers, our lives must reflect the Lord and constantly bring Him glory. Every activity should reflect the presence of Christ in our lives and occur as an act of worship to the Lord. The apostle Paul charged the church in Corinth to carry out such a life by declaring, “do everything for the glory of God.” This declaration came as he described what it meant to live in a manner of glorifying the Lord. Let’s see the three truths Paul presented.



Paul declared, in verse 31, that no matter what a believer does, it must bring glory to the Lord. The apostle defined such glorifying activities in the preceding verses and provided testing points to analyze our actions in life. He noted that activities that glorify the Lord should:

·      BUILD UP – In verse 23, Paul stated that though all things are permissible, not everything builds up. The concept promotes the truth that activities that glorify the Lord have a nature about them that builds up the Kingdom of God builds up other believers and builds up the church. Do our the activities in our lives glorify the Lord by being constructive?

·      SEEK THE GOOD OF OTHERS – Paul continued by identifying works that glorify the Lord seeks the good of others over the interest of the self in verse 24. When we seek the good of others over our desires, we mirror the life of Christ, who sought our interest over His when he ventured to the cross. Thus, do the activities of our life center on others and their good over the self?

·      DON’T SEARCH TO CAUSE AN ISSUE – Paul challenged the Corinthians to not raise questions in the market in verses 25-26. Paul’s purpose charged the believers not to seek ways to find issues in places where no genuine problem exists. This approach to life does not bring glory to the Lord but attempts to glorify the self-righteousness of people. Do the activities of our life attempt to cause issues that bring glory to self-righteousness instead of the greatness of the Lord?

·      DON’T CREATE ISSUES – In verse 27, the apostle told the Corinthians not to cause problems for unbelievers who act like unbelievers because they do not know better. The key is finding avenues to share the truth with them and not attack them. Thus, do the activities of our lives bring glory to God by showing people Christ or tear down His glory through attacking people?

·      DON’T PARTICIPATE TO OFFEND OTHERS KNOWINGLY – Paul, in verse 28, reminded the believers in Corinth that an act that offends others knowingly is not of the Lord, nor does it bring glory to the Lord. This is not the offensive response that comes because one is living for Christ in a fallen world, but the offensive response that comes from an activity that comes from the temptation of pride that desires to argue, “my rights.” Thus, do we bring glory to the Lord by sacrificing permissible activities that we recognize would offend others in the body and not be constructive?



When we do all for the glory of God, we also desire to do all for the ministry of the Lord. This focus means we seek to do all we can, while we can, for God’s Kingdom and work. In verses 32-33, the apostle told believers to make sure they are not staining the ministry of the Lord through the causing of offense and to seek to live in a manner that pleases. The idea of offending does not mean that one lives in a way that may not hurt someone’s feelings, but more importantly, one lives in a way that does not become a barrier to the gospel ministry.

·      Don’t Offend – Paul charged believers to not become a gospel hindrance to those who desperately need the gospel. Paul included the religious and the unreligious in this call. Thus, Paul wanted believers to live among people in a manner that revealed and pointed to the truth while not forming a stumbling block to receiving the gospel. In what ways might you offend others that would form a barrier to the cross?

·      Seek to Please in Everything – Paul does not mean that one sacrifices the truth to please others. Instead, the apostle means that we must seek the good of others above the interest of the self for the evangelistic ministry. The driving force to please others comes from a deep desire to see their salvation. Are you seeking to please people biblically or to please them in a worldly manner? The difference is eternal.



When we seek to live in a manner that brings glory to the Lord, we strive to live in a way that invites people to redemption. The apostle Paul identified this purpose in verse 33. He charged believers to:

·      Point People to God’s Glory – When we seek to share the love of Christ with people, we need to point people to God’s glory so that they can see the greatness of the Lord. Pointing people to God’s glory comes as we live for God’s glory. How are you living that points people to the Lord’s glory?

·      Live for Christ Before People – When we live for Christ before people, we reveal the power of Christ in one’s life. We demonstrate His love and forgiveness. Such a priority in life promotes what Jesus can do in others’ lives.

·      Invite People to Christ – All we do needs to center around opening the door to invite people to follow Jesus. When we invite people to follow Jesus, we are extending the grace and mercy of the Lord and offering them the gift of eternal life that comes from the Lord alone.  


Most believers know they should live in a manner that brings glory to the Lord. At the same time, they face the temptation of a self-centered life. Thus, as a believer, we need to assess life and battle to live in a manner where all that we do brings glory to the Lord. We need to evaluate our actions and check their focus. We must battle to live a life that seeks to build up others, the church, and the Kingdom of God. We must live in a manner that points people to Jesus and invites them to follow Him. How’s your life? Is all you do bring glory to the Lord?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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