Lessons at the Table

Read the Text: 1 Corinthians 11

Memorize the Text:  

But be careful that this right of yours in no way becomes a stumbling block to the weak.

(1 Corinthians 8:9, CSB)

Consider the Text: 1 Corinthians 11:27-34

Family time around the dinner table opens the opportunity for sharing and training. People gathered around the table to share their day and thoughts and take a moment to teach their children and grandchildren fundamental principles about life. This dynamic constantly occurred in previous generations and occurs less today. The combination of fast-food culture and constant activities has limited the time spent together as a family around the dinner table. This change has entered the spiritual realm as well. Using the example of the Lord’s Supper, the apostle Paul detailed the threat of approaching the table with a fast-food mentality instead of treating the engagement with the Lord as a gourmet meal. Let us look at least three lessons found at the Lord’s Table as given in 1 Corinthians 11.


When we rush through the moment of engaging the Lord, we allow our actions to state that the time with the Lord does not have value. Our actions speak to a reality that we view something else or someone else as more important and worthy of our time. The commitment to spending quality time with the Lord demonstrates a genuine love for the Lord and concern over His speaking into our lives.

When we spend time with the Lord, we allow the Lord to speak into our lives and reveal the areas that need correction. However, when we treat the engagement with the Lord as a drive-thru window, we do not genuinely desire the presence of the Lord to provide proper probing and revealing. It is as if we want the small nugget of truth from the Lord without the more profound life-changing truth. As a result, our time spent with the Lord shows the genuine desire for Him in life.


The second table lesson comes from the need to evaluate the self honestly. As we spend time with the Lord, we must allow Him to probe the depths of our lives and reveal areas of sin that need correction. Such an evaluation does not occur in the fleeting moments but when we intentionally get alone with the Lord and ask Him to engage our lives and reveal to us what needs addressing.

The evaluation time provides the moment when we come to the place of recognizing the areas of repentance, rejoicing, and reconciliation. The moments reveal the places in life where repentance must occur due to sin. The table becomes a place of rejoicing as we reflect on the goodness of the Lord. Finally, the evaluation time shows the needed reconciliation in broken relationships with others and the Lord. Thus, the time of assessment prepares us to take appropriate action.  


The third lesson at the table teaches that action must occur from the time of evaluation. To evaluate without the intention to take action exists as pointless. The action happens because we are driven to a response before the Lord. The actions must address the issues discovered during the evaluation and be centered on the desire for spiritual growth.

·      The Act of Repentance - This act seeks forgiveness from the Lord. This action begins with the recognition of our sinfulness. Such action includes the acknowledgment of sin, the asking for forgiveness, and the abandonment of sinfulness.  

·      The Act of Rejoicing – This act occurs when we recognize the goodness of the Lord and respond with worship. The rejoicing occurs when we come to the place of knowing His greatness, love, and actions extended toward us.

·      The Act of Reconciliation – This act happens on two levels. The act of reconciliation occurs as we seek to be reconciled to the Lord as a result of seeking forgiveness and restoration. The act also occurs as we seek reconciliation with those who we have become separated from in the flesh. Thus, the act of reconciliation drives us to seek unity with the Lord and others through the seeking of forgiveness. 


The lessons learned at the table do not exists as knowledge alone. Each must be placed into practice in our lives. This happens when we commit to carrying out the actions and taking steps to enact them. We must commit to:

·      Spend Time At The Table

·      Spend Time In Honest Evaluation

·      Take Action From The Time At The Table

Will you commit today?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.


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