Know Your Role

Read the Text: 1 Corinthians 12

Memorize the Text:  

But be careful that this right of yours in no way becomes a stumbling block to the weak.

(1 Corinthians 8:9, CSB)

Consider the Text: 1 Corinthians 12

The Lord formed His children to participate together as the Body of Christ. A body is the culmination of various parts that work together in unison for a purpose. When we think about the physical body, we recognize that a foot and a hand differ in their purpose, yet they both become necessary to carry out one’s purpose as a person. As a body, members of the church differ in their roles due to the gift of the Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 12, the apostle Paul charged the church in Corinth to understand their role in the Body and to pursue unity as a body.



Paul declared that believers receive spiritual gifting from the Holy Spirit. This gifting does not come at the request of believers, but it occurs as the Holy Spirit wills. The spiritual gifts provide the needed components for the local Body of Christ to carry out the calling received from the Lord. The ability to live as a body begins when each member knows their spiritual giftedness and, as a result, understands the role God has called them to play in the Body of Christ.

When a believer seeks to know their giftedness, they commit to seeking to understand the calling of the Lord upon their life. To find one’s calling, the believer must seek the Lord in prayer. The time in prayer provides an opportunity to request the Lord for one’s spiritual giftedness to be revealed and for the Lord to speak into one’s life. Another means of discovery occurs as people in the Body of Christ mention what one does well. Other believers often identify the giftedness in others and aid in discovering one’s spiritual gifts. At the same time, believers could use instruments like a spiritual gift test to help identify the spiritual gifts in life. Ultimately, the importance is that each believer knows the Lord has gifted them and that each seeks to see the role God has called them to.



Once a believer identifies their spiritual giftedness and understands their role in the Body, they need to develop in their role. The development occurs through the process of spiritual growth. As one becomes closer in their relationship with the Lord, the believer becomes better equipped to use their giftedness for the Lord. As one develops their giftedness, they become more prepared to join others and carry their responsibility in the Body.

A second way growth occurs is through using one’s spiritual gifts. As believers participate in the body's activities with their spiritual gifts, they become stronger at using their giftedness. Like an athlete who gains strength through training, so does a believer grow in strength as they participate in the church's actions. The more one uses their giftedness; the more equipped they become to use their spiritual gifts.   


Believers need to battle against the jealousy of others’ spiritual gifts. Often, believers become jealous when they do not recognize the importance of their giftedness or believer that they are ungifted or have a lesser gift. When jealousy occurs, division becomes a reality, and the entire Body of Christ suffers because a part of the body becomes ineffective. Jealousness leads to brokenness and envy and hinders the Body of Christ from fulfilling the calling of the Lord.  

The biblical approach to spiritual giftedness and others means that believers support one another in their giftedness. This comes as believers should encourage one another. Such an approach promotes unity and togetherness. It emphasizes the understanding that when the Body of Christ functions properly that great and mighty things occur because of the power of the Lord. Thus, as believers, we need to find avenues to support the giftedness of others and not expect them to be what they are not or view ourselves in a lesser manner.

How has the Lord equipped you to serve in the Body of Christ? How are you maturing in your giftedness? How are you supporting the Body with your gifts and investing other parts of the Body in their gifts? Take the initiative to know and grow in your spiritual giftedness and challenge others to do the same.

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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