God Supplies
Read the Text: Philippians 4
Memorize the Text:
I am able to do all things through him who strengthens me.
(Philippians 4:13, CSB)
Consider the Text: Philippians 4:10-18
The world today tempts us to find joy, happiness, and fulfillment through materialism. It calls us to find completion in the latest trends or fads. The reality is that the world and the things of the world cannot provide you with what you genuinely need to live in complete happiness and joy. The apostle Paul declared that we need to look to the Lord as the one who supplies the joy, happiness, and completion that we search for because of his providence, power, and promise.
The providential nature of God indicates that he provides for the needs of his own. As followers of Christ, we gain access to this provision and experience it as he works in our lives. This truth does not mean that every moment in life will be great, but it does mean that God is working in the moments to provide what is needed. A prime example of this occurs in the life of Joseph. As Joseph endures various successes and struggles, the Lord constantly provides him with what is needed.
Like the life of Joseph, the Lord works in the life of his children. We need to remember that life is much like a tapestry. We may sense the chaos, but the Lord is working everything together to form a beautiful piece of art. The Lord does this because of his care and love for his glory. We need to recognize that as a child of God, we receive the extension of God’s providence, which provides us with what we need to continue walking in faithfulness.
The apostle declared that the experiences in life had taught him to remain content because of the power of the Lord. The state of contentment is hard to achieve. The nature of the flesh believes we need more or are too weak to achieve what we desire. The apostle declares that no matter his state, he finds contentment in the Lord and nowhere else.
Contentment is possible in Christ because all things are possible in him. This statement points to the ability to endure difficult times and enjoy the good times because of the presence of the Lord and the provision he gives that leads to authentic contentment. The state of genuine contentment comes when we live with the mindset that everything is about the Lord and not us. The Lord provides the power to remain content in the darkest moments and give him glory in the highest of times. Where are you finding contentment today? Do you find true contentment in Christ?
The Lord promises to be with his children and not to forsake them. At the same time, the Lord has promised his children the reality of eternal life. These two promises reveal the goodness of God and are experienced as we journey through life. God’s presence manifests itself through the body of Christ as believers support one another in life and ministry. It is present when one comforts another as the Lord has comforted them. The promises provide hope because they remind us that no matter what we face, we still have the certain hope of life with him. Are you living with the promises of God at the forefront of your life? Are you living with certain hope because of the promises?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.