The Journey of Pursuit
Read the Text: Philippians 3
Memorize the Text:
I am able to do all things through him who strengthens me.
(Philippians 4:13, CSB)
Consider the Text: Philippians 3:12-16
People set goals and make resolutions concerning their life. This action happens during the New Year season especially. For example, people commit to goals like losing weight, getting better organized, or spending more time with those they love. Like these earthly pursuits, the believer must set forth the goal of running a faithful race for the Lord. The apostle Paul challenged the believers in Philippi to do just this in Philippians 3:12-16. The charge Paul gave provides believers today with the challenge to set this goal as well.
The apostle Paul challenged believers to live out an ongoing Christian walk. When we live for our Redeemer, we must never forget two truths. First, we have not obtained perfection, and second, we must press on toward perfection. These two truths reveal that no matter how mature we become in Christ, we still need to continue to grow because we will not experience perfection until the day we enter eternity. Thus, we must journey continually.
Living for our Redeemer motivates our constant journey. We gain motivation in Christ because we become identified in Him and no longer in the self. This transition occurs as the old self, controlled by the flesh, becomes put to death, and the desires and goals of the earthly self fade away. Thus, we live out our relationship with Christ and demonstrate this relationship through obedience to and living for Jesus. As a result, we live defined by the righteousness of Christ and not by personal, empty righteousness.
The apostle called believers to do the one needed thing, striving to live for Jesus. When we become focused on the one needed thing, we set our sights on the goal of eternity with Christ. This pursuit comes as we recognize the possibility of distractions like work, family, sports, and technology and place protectors in our life to guard against the threats. Thus, the primary focus in the believer’s life must exist as vertical and battle against horizontal threats.
The apostle Paul focused on Christ by forgetting what lay behind him. The apostle persecuted and attempted to stop the church's expansion in his former life. His charge to forget what lies behind marks the change that happens when one becomes redeemed by Christ. We all have a stained past because we battle sin's effects. Moments exist in all of our past that make us embarrassed or ashamed and lead us to the place of feeling unworthy. The reality comes that we must forget what lies behind us and focus on the one thing striving for the future.
When we press on toward the goal as the one thing we do, we must understand that a price exists. We must prepare for the race so that the moments of difficulty are overcome by the strength that comes with a growing relationship with the Lord. Thus, pursuing Christ requires the totality of the self and the perseverance to finish. We must live in the motivation to pursue the goal of being present with the Lord no matter what.
The apostle knew that pursuing the goal would strengthen the believer and give them the ability to walk in maturity. Maturity comes as we journey with the Lord because the more we live our faith in our lives, the more we become strengthened by the Lord for the journey. The ability to walk in maturity begins with the proper mindset. We must develop the mindset of pursuing Christ no matter what and battle the temptation to quit when the strain of life comes against us.
Our mindset becomes encouraged as the Lord reveals the truth in our lives. Moments exist where the Lord reveals encouragement because we faithfully follow his leading and ways. At the same time, moments occur when the Lord reveals sin in our lives and calls us to repentance. At other moments, the Lord reveals the next step in the journey. The critical truth for walking in maturity is to acknowledge the revealing of the Lord and then respond in faithfulness, obedience, or seeking forgiveness.
The apostle Paul knew that believers must hold true to what they attained in Christ. He also recognized the threats against believers from the world and their past. As a result, he charged believers to live as Christ. When we evaluate our life, we need to assess if we are pursuing the one needed thing. We need to evaluate if our walk matures constantly or if we need to seek renewal and forgiveness. What is your motivation in life? Are you pursuing many things or the things of this world, or are you pursuing the one true, needed thing, Christ?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at