I AM the Vine
Read the Text: John 15
Memorize the Text: Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
Consider the Text: John 15:1-10
Jesus and his disciples have probably left the upper room and are heading toward the Garden of Gethsemane. Along this journey, Jesus pointed to a vine with various branches attached and stated that he is the true vine. The disciples in the first century would have understood the job of the vinedresser and how the vinedresser would have caused the vine pain to generate further growth and productivity. With this backdrop, Jesus points to the reality that just like that that believers are branches attached to the vine and, as a result, endure forms of pruning to promote spiritual health and production.
We need to understand that Jesus is THE VINE. Jesus is the true vine. In the Old Testament, Israel was the vine that produced no fruit. The fruitlessness occurred because Israel left the Father's command and could not carry out the task of being the true vine of the Lord. As the true vine, Jesus produced the fruit of the Kingdom of God. He followed the commands of the Father and carried out the task assigned to him. Jesus carried out the role of the vine that Israel failed in keeping.
The vine on a plant brings forth life to the branches. As the vine, Jesus brings life to the believer because detached from Christ; one is dead. Therefore, the vine provides life and sustains life. As the vine, Jesus becomes identified as the exclusive avenue to eternal life because he is the only vine that offers the needed eternal life. Thus, Jesus is the vine that exists as the source of life.
We need to understand that the Father is THE VINEDRESSER. The vinedresser tends to the plant to maintain growth. The Heavenly Father is the vinedresser that prunes the branches to promote growth. The pruning process is painful and beneficial at the same time because it allows for correction and focus. Likewise, the vinedresser removed the branches that had become deadwood. Though these branches appear attached to the vine, no genuine internal connection exists, and as a result, the branch has no life. The same is true for people who profess Christ with their lips and choose to live life the way they desire. They appear attached but do not have an internal connection.
We need to understand that believers are THE BRANCHES. As branches, believers are called to bear fruit. Fruit-bearing exists as a process. When a walk with Jesus begins, there is no evidence of fruit. The branch is like a new shoot-off of the vine that has launched the growth process. Growth must occur for the production of fruit to happen. As the branch matures, the fruit begins to set on. The early production of the fruit is sporadic and inconsistent, yet it begins to show the impact of one's life in Christ. As the fruit appears and becomes harvested, more fruit follows. The fruit becomes more consistent and provides a constant flow of production.
What type of branch are you? Are you a healthy branch that is producing a lot of fruit? Are you in need of the Lord to prune you so that good growth will occur? Are you a dead branch that needs removing because there is no life in you? The critical component is that you are a branch with some life in it to produce or endure pruning for the sake of growth.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.