I AM the Way, the Truth, & the Life
Read the Text: John 14
Memorize the Text: Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
Consider the Text: John 14:6
Jesus' disciples struggled to grasp the reality of Jesus' mission even though he told them repeatedly. In a moment of direct explanation, Jesus used an "I Am" statement to declare that he was, is, and will always be the way, the truth, and the life. This statement centered on his exclusive nature as Savior and his purpose in coming to earth. This "I am" statement exists as an eternal truth that we need to understand today.
Jesus declared that he is THE WAY to heaven. Every individual journeys through life. This journey consists of varying dynamics that cause differing moments of emotion and faithfulness. This concept of a journey becomes clear as we seek to find out what kindergarteners desire to be when they grow up or as we ask graduating seniors what comes next in their lives. The concept of a journey seems natural to us.
The problem people face in their journey is sin. A deep longing exists, and the presence of the sinful flesh drives many to seek to find purpose in places other than Jesus. These individuals fall prey to believing that everyone receives eternal life no matter what they believe (universalism) or that many paths lead to the same destination (pluralism). Such beliefs exist counter to the Word of God and the declaration of Christ.
Jesus declared in boldness that he is the exclusive way to heaven. Jesus is the only road, mode, and means leading one to eternal life. This is because he alone is the sole adequate revealer of God, who is the sole adequate sacrifice needed to pay for the sin debt of people. Thus, salvation comes in Christ alone and nowhere else. Jesus declared this exclusiveness to obtaining eternal life and offered this road to everyone who would believe.
Jesus declared that he is THE TRUTH of heaven. However, the world defines truth differently than the Lord. According to the world, the truth is relative and depends upon the context of the situation or the person's personal beliefs. A world run by relative truth exists in the grayness of life because truth does not exist in a black and white dynamic. Thus, morality and truth become based on the ideas and perspectives of humanity instead of the declaration of the Lord.
God counters relative truth by calling for absolute truth. Absolute truth is unaltered by dynamics and context and exists as right because everything else becomes judged by the truth. Absolute truth is the plumb line that allows us to evaluate the other declaration and find them either plumb or not in perspective to the absolute truth of the Lord. Thus, Jesus is the truth and makes the truth known so that we would see our need for a redeemer.
Jesus declared that he is THE LIFE in heaven. Each person faces eternity. This eternity has two options, heaven or hell. Both exist for eternity and differ in experience. The life away from Christ leads to hell. Hell is a place of eternal separation from God where one experiences the eternal wrath and punishment of the Lord. The Word of God declares that this place exists as a place of torment and darkness. Those who do not know Christ face this eternal punishment.
When one enters a personal relationship with Jesus as Savior and Lord, the individual is living a life in Christ. This life receives the gift of eternal life and the promise of eternity with Christ. The follower of Christ spends eternity with Christ and in the presence of the Lord forever. This life in Christ becomes marked in eternity by worship, rest, and service while living in the Lord's presence.
The world today attempts to find hope away from Christ. Jesus made it clear that salvation comes only through a relationship with him. The exclusive nature is available to all who would receive Jesus. Those who attempt to find purpose and existence outside of Christ are set to spend eternity separated from Christ in the punishment of the Lord. Are you on the journey with Christ alone, or are you attempting to create your path?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.