As I Have Loved, LOVE
Read the Text: John 13
Memorize the Text: Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
Consider the Text: John 13:34-35
The term "love" gets thrown around to mean several things. Love could be used to address an affinity for a type of food or admiration of an article of clothing. We use the idea of love when we want to identify an object, place, or activity as something we elevate in our lives. The reality comes when we recognize that such an approach lessens the true meaning of love. Jesus is the perfect embodiment of love, and he challenges his followers to mirror the love he presented. In John 13:34-35, Jesus decreed that the ability to love others shows the world one's relationship with the Lord.
Jesus MODELED true love for us to follow. Jesus demonstrated the sacrificial nature of love. He willfully sacrificed the glories of heaven for a moment to come to earth and become the needed sacrificial lamb to deal with the issue of sin. The sacrificial love of Christ drove him to the cross and ultimately to death so that we could have the opportunity to have eternal life. This approach to love by Jesus demonstrated the nature of our love as we seek to love others in the example of Christ.
The love displayed by Christ also existed as submissive and servant-based. He chooses to submit to the will and the plan of the Father because of his love for the Father and his love for creation. The submissive nature of Jesus' love existed due to his choosing to love in this manner. Likewise, his love extended as he demonstrated the heart of a servant. Such love occurs when we place others higher than ourselves and seek to serve them with a faithful, loving, servant heart.
Jesus MANDATED to live our true love as his followers. As Jesus approached the time of the crucifixion, he commanded his followers to love one another. The ability to love this way means that we recognize the world's threats to this form of love. The world calls for self-centered, pride-driven love instead of love based on servanthood and submission. The love Christ commands defeats the threats of the world and loves authentically.
The ability to follow the command to love others requires a vertical love first to exist. This love is the love we have for the Lord. Our ability to love others, horizontal, happens only because we first love the Lord. God fuels our ability to love others in the way he loves us. When we do not base our horizontal love on our vertical love, our approach to loving others becomes weak and worldly.
Followers of Jesus become KNOWN by loving like Jesus. When we love like Jesus, we illuminate Christ by allowing his love to radiate from us. The activity of loving others occurs as we grow spiritually in our walk with Jesus. Without spiritual growth, the ability to love others becomes hindered. The presence of love does not reflect us but instead reflects the one who saves us and redeems us. When we love others, we demonstrate what authentic love and relationship look like.
As you think about living out love, does your love for others point people to Jesus? Do others experience the love of Christ through your interaction with others? The call to love like Jesus did not extend to a select few of Jesus' followers, but this command extended to all disciples of Christ. Does the love of Christ mark you? Are you extending the love of Christ?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at