Jesus and Taxes

Read the Text: Luke 20

Memorize the Text:   “Well then,” he told them, “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s” (Luke 20:25)

Consider the Text: Luke 20:19-26

Politics and religion create a unique formula for tension. We often avoid speaking about the other subject when we are participating in one or the other. The tension comes because we fail to lose perspective that our allegiance is ultimately to the kingdom of heaven and our earthly citizenship comes in as secondary every time. The book of Daniel reminds us that “he changes the times and seasons; he removes kings and establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” (Daniel 2:21). Thus, God’s kingdom always trumps the kingdoms of the world. In Luke 20, Jesus faced a question that dealt with this tension. 

The religious leaders attempted to TRAP JESUS WITH A QUESTIONS OF POLITICAL ALLEGIANCE. The leaders desired to form a question that left Jesus between a rock and a hard place. If he responded in one direction or the other, he would either be called a hypocrite or a traitor. But Jesus knew this, and his answer provided the perfect understanding of fulfilling the responsibility toward each. Jesus responded how to live in a manner that honors the Lord while living in faithfulness.

Jesus acknowledged the RESPONSIBILITY TO GIVE TO CEASAR ACCORDINGLY. Jesus asked them to show a coin of the day. He asked whose image dominated the coin? The response to Jesus’ inquiry was Caesar. As a result, he declared that one should give unto Caesar what is Caesars. The response came because the coin was designed and made by the hands of people. As a result, the taxes requested came from the one who minted the coin and as citizens, there was a responsibility to give accordingly. 

Jesus acknowledged the RESPONSIBILITY TO GIVE TO GOD WHAT IS HIS. Jesus continued with his answer by pointing to a more significant responsibility. He stated that we must give to God that which is the Lord’s. God is the creator and sustainer. As a result, we owe him everything because we have been formed by him and in his image. He requests that we live as a living sacrifice and surrender our time, talent, and treasure to him. Thus, we are not exempt from giving to the Lord or to Caesar. 

We must live in a manner that REFLECTS THE KINGDOM OF GOD WHILE LIVING IN AN EARTHLY KINGDOM. As followers of Christ, we must trust in the truth of his word. The Lord declares in his word that he is the one who places earthly leaders in their positions, and he is the one who removes leaders from their position. This is part of his will and his ways. As followers of Christ, we must live in a manner that differs from the temperature of the world. We must live in a heavenly ethic that illuminates Christ. Such a reality does not mean that we do not engage or care about what is going on in the world, but it does guide our engagement. 

Reflecting God’s kingdom means that we seek the Lord prayerfully. We pray for our leaders, even when we disagree, because the Lord has commanded this of his followers. Our prayer life would include praying for the Lord’s will to be done and for the leader’s to either remain faithful in the Lord or turn to the Lord. 

Not only do we pray, but we also speak truth in love. The Lord commanded us to stand for truth and speak the truth so that people may know the truth. The critical component is that the Lord told us that such engagement must be wrapped in love. Love does not compromise but speaks truth even when it is difficult. Such an approach counters the ways of the world because it is driven by a kingdom ethic. 

When we think about the question Jesus faced, we face the reality of how we would respond. We all deal with the struggles of the tension that exists between these two realms. Our focus ought to be that the Lord would continually work in us and guide us to grow in our ability to live in a manner that exemplifies God’s kingdom while dwelling in an earthly kingdom. 

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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