Live on Guard

Read the Text: Luke 21

Memorize the Text:   “Well then,” he told them, “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s” (Luke 20:25)

Consider the Text: Luke 21:34-38

Believers received the command from Jesus to stay alert and be on guard as we walk through this world. When one is on guard, they pay attention to their surrounds and intently look for possible hurdles or temptations. The act of guarding means that one attempts to be alert of pitfalls to maintain stability and victory. Facing the enemy becomes easier when we are prepared for the attack and thus standing guard and being watchful is important for the believer. 

Jesus encouraged believers to stand guard by PROTECTING OUR MINDS.  Jesus revealed how carousing, drunkenness, and the worries of this life and the days to come cause a dulling of the mind. These activities and concerns cloud our ability to see the temptations coming our way and hinder us from preparing effectively. In this passage Jesus reminds his followers how the world becomes a temptation and a threat to faithfulness when the desire of the temporary and the urgent of the moment blocks our ability to rest in Christ. 

Jesus followed up the first step of standing guard with the command to PRAY FOR STRENGTH. In and of ourselves, we do not have the ability to be victorious against the flesh and the evil one. When we attempt to become victorious in our strength, we become defeated because we grow weary and unable to sustain our life. Jesus said that our pray should be for strength. More specifically, this strength is not the strength that comes from within us, but this is the strength that we gain through a relationship with the Lord and through the presence of the Holy Spirit. Jesus declares that believers need to protect their mind and pray for strength. 

We must live in this manner because the DAY OF JUDGMENT IS COMING. Everyone will stand before the Lord and face the just judgment. Jesus says that standing on guard means that we are preparing for the day of judgement while seeking to remain faithful. Though this lies in the future, there will be times of pangs that lead to that ultimate moment. There will be wars and rumors of war as Matthew put it and Luke provided various details like famines and other phenomenon that occurs toward the end. Thus, being on guard keeps us focused on the ultimate ending and promise. 

When need to make the commitment to live on guard as we prepare for the coming kingdom. When we live on guard, we commit to seek faithful living before the Lord. It causes us to acknowledge our frailty and our ultimate need for Christ. Far too often, we lose focus and put down our guard and find ourselves beaten and hurt. Living on guard means that we are live in a state of constantly being alert and preparing for following the will and the way of the Lord. How are you standing on guard? Is your mind being dulled by the world? Are you consistently praying for strength? Are you standing guard because you know of the coming judgment? May we stand guard in faithfulness. 

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


In Remembrance


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