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Read the Text: Romans 16

Memorize the Text:  

For whatever was written in the past was written for our instruction, so that we may have hope through endurance and through the encouragement from the Scriptures.

(Romans 15:4, CSB)

Consider the Text: Romans 16:17-20

The culture around us includes many people who teach a false doctrine and/or a false truth. Often these false messengers prey upon the emotions and needs of people while they seek to establish and expand their kingdom and ego. Such a reality is nothing new; as the apostle Paul commanded the church in Rome to beware of such individuals and false beliefs. The apostle challenged believers then and today to live in a manner of overcoming the threat of false teachers and to live victoriously.

The apostle Paul called believers to WATCH OUT. Paul warned the believers in Rome to watch out for potential hazards that could harm them in the faith. His call did not extend as a causal suggestion but as a passionate plea. The apostle warned the church to watch for those who existed as division makers. These individuals sought to divide the body, which led to a break in unity and fighting. Likewise, Paul implored them to watch out for unbiblical obstacles. Unbiblical obstacles are the challenges to truth that comes from the culture and do not exist with a biblical foundation. When we analyze our faithfulness in watching out, how are we guarding the unity of the body and the truthfulness of God’s Word?

Paul commanded Christians to AVOID THEM. The apostle provided the easiest solution to the issue of avoiding those who would cause harm. He challenged the believers not to associate with those who would destroy the body and harm the truth. The basis of Paul’s claims comes as he declared that individuals avoid only seeking to serve the self. They do everything in the best interest of their gain. As a result, they act as agents of deception because they seek to deceive followers of Christ and lead them astray. The reason to avoid comes as being around them opens the door for temptation by placing oneself in the presence of falsehood. The apostle Paul continues to challenge us today to avoid the places and people of falsehood and temptation. How are you guarding yourself by avoiding the places and people who could lead you astray?

Paul challenged the followers of Christ to LIVE KNOWN. The ability to live known comes through the faithful walking with Christ. As believers live in loyalty to the gospel, the knowledge of their faith becomes known to those around them. Both fellow believers and unbelievers know the link to Christ as faithful followers. Such a life declares a witness for the Lord through word and deed because of the obedience lived before others. Thus, Paul challenged the believers to grow in wisdom. This growth provided the needed resources for Christians to recognize what is good and how to remain innocent of evil. Today, are you living in a manner that makes Christ known? Are you seeking to grow in wisdom to navigate good and evil and live in faithfulness?

Paul called believers to LIVE VICTOURIOUSLY.  Paul closed his challenge with a word of promise. He declared that Satan had already been defeated and that the victory extends to believers through Christ. Thus, he challenged them to live in this victory. The ability to live in this victory comes through the assurance that Christ has won the battle and that the promise he extended to believers is rock solid. As a result, believers can live in the fullness of God’s grace and mercy because of the promised access to the gained victory. As you think about living victorious, are you living in a manner that demonstrates the understanding of the victory achieved in a relationship with Christ?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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