One Purpose

Read the Text: Romans 15

Memorize the Text:  

For whatever was written in the past was written for our instruction, so that we may have hope through endurance and through the encouragement from the Scriptures.

(Romans 15:4, CSB)

Consider the Text: Romans 15:17-21

We must assess their life honestly concerning their lives. Do we live for the self and our rights, or do we live for God’s kingdom? Are we causing others to stumble, or do we build others up? Are you living Over the latter half of the twentieth century, the church in America dealt with the influence of the church growth movement. The origin of this movement was healthy as it refocused churches away from social gospel ministries and centered on the gospel alone. However, along the way, the church growth movement, the church shifted its focus to growing its churches and ministries instead of expanding the kingdom of God. Instead of trusting in the provision of the Lord, churches began to chase bigger budgets, buildings, and personal kingdoms. The emphasis of attractional programs and programs to draw crowds dominated the landscape. Yet, in Romans 15, the apostle Paul reminded the church in Rome that only one thing is necessary.

Paul stated that the church has ONE PURPOSE: PREACH THE GOSPEL. The primary mission of the apostle centered on making Christ known to the nations. He did not consume himself with the desire to build a personal following but wanted to point people to Jesus. The very ambition of Paul’s heart was to seek after those in need of Jesus. The product of a proper ambition is the declaration of the true gospel. The ambition is not to simply invite someone to church but to actually, and more importantly, invite them to Jesus. 

The apostle revealed that the one purpose was carried out by ONE PLAN: BELIEVERS MUST BE THE VESSEL.  Followers of Jesus Christ receive the call to be the vessel of proclaiming the gospel. As a vessel, believers become the instrument by which the melodious sound of the gospel extends forth. God does not concern himself with our ability because he provides all we need; he just seeks our availability. As a vessel, a believer declares the gospel vocally and then demonstrates the gospel through a life lived for Christ. As believers declare the Lord, they make clear the work of Christ in one’s life.

The apostle Paul spoke to ONE PRIORITY: THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Paul did not attempt to build a following or coerce people into following Jesus. He did not desire to make his name well-known but wanted the name of Christ known and declared. He didn’t attempt to trick people into heaven, but he sought to build the kingdom of God through conversion. Conversion occurs as one hears the message of the gospel and responds to the message in authentic faith. Paul’s challenge could be summed up in the truth that the believer's work is never about the Christian but always about the Lord.

As followers of Christ, we must make sure that we maintain the proper purpose. We must battle against making our church name known and seeking to constantly elevate the name of Jesus. We must center our approach on reaching the lost through the gospel declaration. We must understand that we are God’s plan for sharing and being faithful in evangelism. What are you seeking to see grow, your local congregation or the kingdom of God? The one priority must be the kingdom of God and allow God to take care of the rest. or spiteful, free or condemned? Make sure you live in a manner that creates a smooth avenue to Christ and is not a stumbling block on the road to faith.

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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