Live Life to the Fullness
Read the Text: Philippians 1
Memorize the Text:
Now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us – to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
(Ephesians 3:20-21, CSB)
Consider the Text: Philippians 1:21
One of the most well-known passages in the Bible is Philippians 1:21. Paul wrote, “For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” The apostle here provides a formula to live your earthly and eternal lives to the fullest. When we live life to the fullest, we live in a manner that fulfills God’s calling in our lives, and we receive the fulfillment of God’s eternal promise. Thus, we need to strive to live in such a manner.
The life of the believer needs to carry the mark of Christ. The mark of Christ means that we live in a way that reflects the person, character, and goodness of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul holds that while he lives, he desires to represent Christ with everything. He understands the calling on his life to represent the kingdom of God and invite people to follow Jesus. Thus, Paul finds the fullest moment of joy in earthly life occurs in serving Jesus.
Like the apostle Paul, we need to seek to serve the kingdom of God with all of our life. Such an approach opens the opportunity to experience living life to the fullest. As followers of Christ, we seek to find our fulfillment in Christ and experience the fullness available from the Lord alone when we rest in him and serve him. The ability to accomplish this comes in setting our minds and heart to the Lord and seeking to fulfill his calling and experience his goodness in our lives.
The apostle Paul understood that death was not an enemy to the believer but was beneficial. This seems counterintuitive but is a reality understood by the follower of Christ. The apostle recognized death as gain because of the receiving of God’s promise of blessing and eternal life for his children. Thus, Paul knew that the pain and suffering of this world would fade away and the new life with Christ would become a reality, and thus death is gained.
When we recognize death as a gain for the believer and not as an enemy, we enter the state of being able to live in genuine hope. The promise of eternity through a relationship with Christ allows us to live in complete trust in Jesus. It will enable us to live in the fullness of an earthly life because we trust in the realness of eternal life. Death is a gain for us because we get to be with Christ forever. Thus, our mindset becomes focused on the hope and understanding of the gain that occurs in death.
The ability to live life to the fullest begins when we live in a relationship with Christ. An entire life only happens when one enters a relationship with Jesus. A life without Christ never experiences genuine fullness because a void ever exists. Authentic fullness in life happens because of Christ and his working in our life and the promise he provides concerning our future.
Second, we live life to the fullest when we keep an eternal perspective. Living with an eternal perspective provides the needed ability to experience genuine hope. This happens as our focus becomes on the promises of the Lord and what lies ahead. We endure difficulties and hardships joyfully because we know that what lies ahead far outweighs the current dynamics.
Third, we live life to the fullest when we strive to fulfill God’s calling. As we journey in life, we find joy when we serve Jesus. Though the task may be difficult, real joy happens when we follow the Lord’s leading and find hope and purpose in him. When we live for the self, we face various struggles. To live life fully, we must surrender all we are to Christ and serve him in faithfulness.
Are you living life to the fullness? Are you attempting to find purpose in yourself or Christ? What hinders you from experiencing the fullness of life Christ desires for you?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at