The Power of Prayer
Read the Text: Ephesians 6
Memorize the Text:
Now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us – to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
(Ephesians 3:20-21, CSB)
Consider the Text: Ephesians 6:18-20
Believers live in a constant state of spiritual war. The enemy attempts to draw us away from our foundation of Christ and lead us toward a path of rebellion. The apostle Paul addressed this reality in Ephesians 6 in discussing the Armor of God. Paul declared the provision God provides the believer to engage in this spiritual battle and to find victory against the schemes of the evil one. As the apostle concluded this section, he mentioned the power of prayer amid the battle. This power in prayer exists for us today as well. Let us see how this power impacts this war.
Believers need to spend time in prayer with the Lord. The apostle challenged believers to pray at all times and commanded that prayer must occur without ceasing. Prayer must exist as a normal component of a believer’s life and not as an activity left for specific moments. We develop our prayer life when we pray often because exercising prayer forms a strong prayer life. As one’s prayer life becomes established, their walk becomes more grounded and more like Christ because one lives in constant communication with the Lord.
Christians need to spend time in active prayer. The apostle warned believers to remain alert in perseverance. The ability to stay alert occurs when one actively seeks the Lord for guidance, strength, and awareness. Such a life of prayer desires to speak to the Lord directly. The alertness that leads to active praying comes as we recognize what needs to be addressed in prayer. At the same time, we become intentional at listening to the Lord and spending strategic time with the Lord. We know that prayer is an action we take, not an action done to us. Thus, we must seek to be active in prayer.
Followers of Christ need to pray for others. This means that we must pray for other believers. Paul charged believers to make supplication for all the saints. This means we need to engage the Lord on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We need to pray for their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. We must seek the Lord and request that he strengthen their steps and use them mightily. Praying for others comes from an extension of our love for God and our love for others.
Christians need to pray for boldness. The prayer for boldness seeks the Lord’s strength to remain faithful in battle when spiritual warfare becomes the fiercest. Boldness allows one to speak the truth when the world dislikes it and stand firm in faith when facing temptation. When we pray for boldness, we seek the Lord as the source of strength needed to stand firm throughout our spiritual journey.
The power of prayer is a reality. It is not an abstract activity that changes nothing, but it opens the avenue to request the working of the Lord in one’s life. It allows us to constantly engage with our Heavenly Father and develop our relationship with trust in him. As you analyze your journey with Christ, are you praying constantly? Are you actively seeking the Lord? Are you lifting others in prayer? Are you asking the Lord for boldness? Commit today to pray often for the Lord to encourage your faith.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at