Walk This Way
Read the Text: Ephesians 5
Memorize the Text:
Now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us – to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
(Ephesians 3:20-21, CSB)
Consider the Text: Ephesians 5:1-21
Growing up, my parents gardened. My dad sometimes would till the garden to break the ground, keep out the weeds, and remove any footprints. At other times, my parents would fertilize our gather the produce in the garden. As I would accompany them, they would remind me to step only where they had stepped. They wanted to ensure that I did not add extra footprints in the soil or step on any plant that would cause harm. As a result, I would attempt to imitate their walk by stepping in their footprints. The same is true in our spiritual walk. We need to follow the steps of our Heavenly Father. We need to seek to see the steps and tread there. The apostle Paul challenged believers in Ephesians 5 to walk in this manner.
The apostle Paul declared that believers must walk in love. This declaration meant that their love needed to characterize forgiveness. Walking in love indicates that the believer walks like Christ and extends forgiveness to others because of a deep love for others. When Jesus walked in love and offered forgiveness, he modeled that forgiveness must be extended because of one’s love for another and not because one earns forgiveness. Thus, walking in love means that we must demonstrate a forgiving heart that illuminates Christ.
The believer needs to walk in sacrificial love constantly. This statement reveals that Christians give of themselves to reach others for Christ and make him known. This lifestyle occurs at all times and must not become situational. Thus, one walks in love when they give of themselves constantly to impact another. Therefore, we must seek to walk in love in a sacrificial and constant nature so that Christ is glorified.
Paul called believers to walk in the light. The reality of walking in the light occurs when one enters into a personal relationship with Jesus. Before this relationship, the individual walked in darkness and was marked by the characteristics of darkness. The apostle identified these dark characteristics as impurities, lousy language, deception, and death. The path of darkness separates people from the Lord and leads them toward eternal death.
When Christian walks in the light, they overcome the darkness. When darkness is overcome, the believer has victory over death. This reality brings forth thanksgiving and rejoicing that mark a life of walking in the light because one celebrates the life gained. In the light, the believer gains the ability to discern the will of God and speak the truth of the Lord. We need to recognize that we once walked in darkness, but in Christ now can walk in the light.
The apostle knew that walking according to the world was foolish. Thus, he challenged believers to walk in wisdom. Wisdom is not earthly intelligence but the ability to trust in and follow the leading of the Lord. When believers walk in wisdom, they seek to walk in a cautious and timed manner. This truth means they walk with an awareness of the dangers around them while also seeking to travel the journey as a good steward. When we seek to walk in wisdom, we need to set our sights on the possible distractions around us so that we can journey well.
At the same time, the apostle noted that the walk in wisdom needs to be marked by a guided and focused approach. When we live in a guided approach, we trust the love to lead each step of the way. We seek the will of the Lord and surrender to it. This form of travel occurs as we focus on leading the Holy Spirit in life. Thus, a walk in wisdom is a journey marked by life under the control of the Spirit.
As we journey with the Lord, we need to assess our walk. Do we walk in a manner that extends love to others and shows our love for God? Do we walk in the light by abandoning the walk of darkness and claiming the victory available in Christ? Would our walk be defined by the things of God or this world? Are you walking in the wisdom of the Lord or seeking to live in the world's knowledge? How is your walk?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.