Mary’s Voice at Christmas
Read the Text: Luke 1
Memorize the Text: Now concerning that day or hour no one knows – neither the angels in heaven nor the Son – but only the Father (Mark 13:32)
Consider the Text: Luke 1:46-56
Many homes and churches become adorned with ornate nativity scenes during the Christmas season. I keep one out year-round in the office that was given to me when I spoke at a conference in the Philippines. It serves as a reminder of the greatness and significance of the gift that came as a child in a manger. So this last week together is looking at that scene and the voices that speak truth through the generations to us today.
Mary carried out the holy task of bearing Jesus. This miraculous moment challenged Mary’s faith and probably caused much pain, as she would have faced scorn and ridicule. But at the birth, Mary displayed a heart of gratefulness. Her gratefulness occurred as an internal response to the ability to serve the Lord in faithfulness. She felt honored to serve the Lord and be a part of His work and plan. Luke 1:46-56 allows us to hear Mary’s voice at the manger
Mary had a grateful heart because of the promises of God. She knew that God was working in a manner that opposed the ideas of the world. She trusted that He would scatter the proud and fill the humble. The basis of her response is trusting in the Lord and holding on to the promises He made. Her gratefulness flowed from her trust in God as a promise keeper.
Mary had a grateful heart because of the greatness of the Lord. She knew that the Lord would walk with her on the difficult journey of obedience. She rejoiced because he had provided the needed strength before and knew he would continue to do so. She trusted in his mercy and holiness and responded in gratefulness for his working in humanity. The grateful heart of Mary modeled the importance of reflecting upon the Lord in gratitude.
Mary’s voice at Christmas provided four challenges for us today. First, like Mary, we need to treasure Christ in our hearts. The Bible shares that Mary treasured the happenings at the first Christmas in her heart. Likewise, we need to treasure the moment of salvation in our lives. Finally, we need to remember and reflect on the greatness of God’s work.
Mary spent time at the manger pondering on the gift of Christ. She reflected on the gift as Immanuel and gazed in awe of the working of the Lord. We should stand in awe of the Lord and gaze at His continued work around us. Take a moment and ponder the greatness of God’s gift.
Mary pondered on the promises of God. She kept them in the forefront of her mind and used them as encouragement for the journey. We need to keep them at the forefront of our minds as well. We should seek to ponder and remember the promises of God and allow them to encourage us on our spiritual journey.
Mary’s pondering led to Mary’s sharing. Mary opened the stable to become a place for viewing God’s gift. She did not stop the shepherds from visiting but instead invited them to share in the experience. Our experience with Jesus should challenge us to share Him with those we engage. Will you commit to sharing the gift with someone else this week?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at