The Child in the Manger
Read the Text: Luke 2
Memorize the Text: But I say to you who listen: Love your enemies, do what is good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you pray, pray for those who mistreat you. (Luke 6:27-28)
Consider the Text: Luke 2:6-7
One of the most beautiful Christmas carols is “What Child is This?” The very title asks the question that people sought to answer on that first Christmas. They desired to know who the child in the manger truly was. The child in the manger was Immanuel, God with Us. He came as the promised Messiah and carried out the work of redemption.
The child in the manger is the cornerstone. Christ is the cornerstone that holds all things together. The apostle Paul spoke of this ability in Colossians 1:16-17 and revealed that Christ can hold things together because He created them. He is over them, and He is eternal. As the cornerstone, Christ is where life comes together and is held together.
The child in the manger is the healer. We are marred by sin and, as a result, live in brokenness physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Each area of life needs attention and healing. Christ came as the balm of Gilead that brings forth healing to each area of life. Sometimes this healing happens in this life, but the promise is that there is healing ahead in eternity, whether it occurs in the here and now or not.
The child in the manger is the relationship builder. Religion threatens to blind us from a needed relationship with Jesus. The Lord does not respond to religious piety but one’s relationship with Christ. The relationship contains communication with the Lord in prayer, following the Lord in obedience, and a commitment to serve the Lord in faithfulness.
The child in the manger is the individual responsibility. Christ demands everyone to respond positively or negatively to Him. Association with Christ through parents or a church does not mean one has entered a relationship with Jesus individually. The child in the manger must be known personally for the gift of the child to be received.
The child in the manger is the sole way to salvation. The world around us states that many roads lead to heaven. This statement is a lie. The Lord declared that Jesus alone is the way to eternal life. Jesus paid the debt of sin so that we could receive the treasures of eternity. Jesus declared that he alone provided the avenue to be reconciled with God the Father and to receive redemption. The coming of Christ extends much further than a moment in time. Still, it provides the only eternal possibility for reconciliation with God.
The child in the manger is the total need for salvation. Christ is more than enough for salvation. His grace is sufficient to cover the multitude of our sinfulness. His death was sufficient to deal with the coming eternal punishment. Total belief in Him is enough to rescue the worst of sinners.
The child in the manger is CHRIST.
C = Cornerstone
H = Healer
R = Relationship
I = Individual
S = Sole
T = Total
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at