The Forerunner

Read the Text: Luke 3

Memorize the Text:   But I say to you who listen: Love your enemies, do what is good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you pray, pray for those who mistreat you. (Luke 6:27-28)

Consider the Text: Luke 3:1-20

John the Baptist is known as the forerunner who came and made the way for the Messiah. The ministry of John the Baptist was significant and impactful. He is known by his interesting look and the baptism of Jesus, but he taught in a way that made people wonder if he was not the forerunner but the actual Messiah. He never fell prey to the glory given by humanity but modeled how to point to Jesus. Luke 3 demonstrates several critical truths about living for Jesus in a manner that points to him. 

First, John the Baptist called out false religion. He called the religious leaders a “brood of vipers.” Such description revealed that the religious leaders had altered what God had called for and added their own perceptions, regulations, and thoughts. When this occurred, the religion promoted by these leaders did not look like what God had commanded. 

In a similar manner, believers today need to guard against adding and subtracting from salvation. There needs to be a guard against turning Christianity into what we believe it ought to be or to appease our desires. We must strive to maintain an authentic faith that centers on the Lord and comes through a relationship with Christ alone. When we humanize Christianity, then we become like a brood of vipers who water down true faith. 

Second, John the Baptist answered the questions he received. He received questions concerning the way life must be lived. John the Baptist did not ignore these questions, but he engaged the people by answering their questions and giving them direction on what to pursue in life. His approach including not only calling them to change but giving direction for the change to occur. 

Like John the Baptist, believers should be ready to respond to others about how to live in righteousness. This means that we seek to grow in our Christian walk and become more like Jesus, while encouraging and helping others in the same pursuit. On the flip side, we need to be like the crowd that seeks help when we recognize we are living in a wayward manner. The key to both sides of this rest in the desire to growing in living in righteousness. 

Third, John the Baptist called the people to righteous living. Righteous living centered on living in a manner that existed in righteousness in God’s eyes and not in the ways of the world. This meant that one’s life should reflect the kingdom of God. John the Baptist pointed to the basis of righteousness resting in the ways of God because he alone defines what is righteous and what is not. Thus, we come to the place where our life needs to be righteous as defined by the ways of God instead of the perspectives of man. 

Fourth, John the Baptist never took the glory. He became a popular individual during his ministry. The crowds would approach John the Baptist and seek to be ministered to by him. The fanfare could have easily stoked the flame of pride in his life and caused him to become prideful. Instead, John the Baptist remained humble and owning his position considering the coming Messiah. He always deflected the praise of people to point them to Jesus. 

The same temptation exists today. People struggle to remain humble when they become successful in ministry. This may include a pastor, minister, or even a lay leader like a deacon or Sunday School teacher. When the glorification of people honors others, the temptation of pride enters. As followers of Christ, our desire ought to be humility and our goal should be to point others to the Messiah. 

John the Baptist modeled how to live in a manner that points people to Jesus. Such a life does not mean that all is easy. Sometimes believers are called to reflect Christ by dealing with the tough issues at hand and engaging them with truth. No matter what John the Baptist sought to do, the central motivation was to declare the good news and point to Christ. Today, it is important that we focus on declaring the good news through all situations and seek to point everyone to Jesus.  

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


Overcoming Temptation


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