Overcoming Temptation

Read the Text: Luke 4

Memorize the Text:   But I say to you who listen: Love your enemies, do what is good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you pray, pray for those who mistreat you. (Luke 6:27-28)

Consider the Text: Luke 4:1-12

Every individual faces moments of temptation. As a child, cartoons would have an angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other trying to influence the actions of the character. The same occurs when we face temptation in life. We come to the place of decision that will determine faithfulness or rebellion before the Lord. Jesus experienced the pressure of temptation in Luke 4 and provided a model for claiming victory over it. 

Temptation occurs at VARIOUS MOMENTS IN LIFE. There are not specific moments in life when temptation will arise. It can occur at varying moments in our life, whether or not we are living in faithfulness. In the opening verses of Luke 4, the author describes that Jesus went into the wilderness because he followed the leading of the Holy Spirit. As Jesus followed the leading of the Spirit, the Bible informs us that he was led there to face temptation. The truth we must notice comes that following the leading of the Spirit and the ways of the Lord will not exempt us from facing temptation. In fact, such obedience often leads to greater temptation, as the evil one seeks to keep us from following in faith. 

A second moment of temptation occurred as Jesus faced the moment of hunger. After a time of fasting, is when the tempter arrived. The lack of food created a dynamic in the body of weakness. When weaknesses occur, we become more apt to fall prey to the temptation that comes against us. The evil one knows these moments of weakness and attempts to attack them as a predator and cause stumbling. Thus, times of weakness form a prime opportunity for temptation. 

Temptation comes against us in VARIOUS MANNERS. On three occasions, Satan came against Christ and tempted him. Each engagement teaches the various ways the evil one comes against us to cause us to stumble. Satan first attacked the appetite of Jesus. By challenging Jesus to transform the rocks into bread, the evil one tempted Jesus to act outside the will of the Father because of the physical appetite in his life. The appetites of our life open the opportunity for the evil one to come against us and to tempt us to accept what appears to fulfill the appetite that exists. 

The evil one also tempted Jesus by attacking the ambitions of life. Satan offered Jesus all the land that he could see. To the flesh, such an offer would appear tempting because of the ambitions of greater and more significance in life. This attack shows how the evil one tempts us with momentary pride for the purpose of us seeking to elevate the self. The evil one knows the ambitious nature of the flesh and desires to attack it when possible. 

Christ provided critical components to OVERCOME TEMPTATION. Jesus demonstrated two important truths to overcoming temptation in life. Initially, believers must rest in the Lord and trust in his goodness, grace, and promises. When we face temptation, we need to remember that we are a child of the King and as a result we must rest in him. This means that all that we are must be reliant upon the Lord and we trust him for the ability to overcome. 

Christ responded to Satan with truth from God’s Word on each occurrence. Jesus showed how the power of the truth engages the temptation and provides the avenue to victory. As a result, we need to engage the Word of God in order to prepare for battling temptation. Thus, to have victory we need to read and memorize the truth in order to have access to it when the moments of temptation come against us. 

Temptation exists as an experience each of us face. It occurs in moments of faithfulness and sinfulness. No one escapes temptation, but each should learn how to deal with the times of temptation in order to claim victory. As we face forms and moments of temptation, may we seek to trust in the Lord and His word and experience the victory over these tempting moments. 

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.


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