When Sinners Become Saints

Read the Text: Luke 5

Memorize the Text:   But I say to you who listen: Love your enemies, do what is good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you pray, pray for those who mistreat you. (Luke 6:27-28)

Consider the Text: Luke 5:27-32

Churches celebrate the salvation of sinners. At least most of the time. There are moments when believers put their own stipulations on who should be allowed to receive Christ and who should not be allowed. When serving on a staff at a church, a young man with long hair responded to Christ one day. The pastor asked for affirmation and celebration of the young man’s decision, which the congregation gave. The follow day, the phone rang busy as individuals questioned how we could allow this young man to be saved because he didn’t look the way they perceived someone should. In Luke 5, we find Jesus faced the same issue with the Pharisees. They desired to define who could be redeemed and considered righteous. 

Jesus calls the tax collector Levi to follow him while Levi sat at his tax collection booth. This moment reveals how Jesus called Levi, while he was taking taxed and DID NOT EXPECT LEVI TO COME TO WHERE JESUS WAS. Jesus sought Levi to call him to a greater occupation than tax collecting. Similarly, Jesus engages us where we are and calls us to where he desires us to be. He finds us at our tax collecting booth and invites us to dine with him. 

When Jesus called Levi to follow him, he did so with CLARITY. Jesus did not subtlety call Levi, but directly said, “follow me.” These words were concise and not hidden. They were focused on giving Levi direction for his life that extended from the will of the Lord and not the ways of humanity. Jesus calls us with clarity to follow him. He desires we will follow in obedience and live according to his will and ways. Jesus invites us to the great journey of following. 

Levi responded to the engagement with Jesus and RESPONDED WITH OBEDIENCE. Levi did not delay in following Jesus. He left his occupation and earthly responsibilities to be obedient to the calling of the Lord. Levi chose Jesus over the world and sought to walk faithfully. When the Lord calls, the response of the hearer reflects the temperature of the heart toward the Lord. When the Lord calls us, our obedience or disobedience in following him reveals the temperature of our heart. It shows what takes priority and dominance in our lives. 

The religious leaders of the day could not comprehend why Jesus would MEET AND EAT WITH SINNERS. The Pharisees questioned the activity and motives of Jesus when they questioned his company with sinners. They could not understand how a holy man would stain themselves by eating with known sinners. The religious leaders could not see grace and mercy that Christ extended because they desired to control the gate to salvation. When we are not cautious, we can fall into the temptation of becoming gatekeepers of salvation and judging people’s ability to be saved. 

Jesus clarified he came to CALL SINNERS TO REPENTANCE. Jesus responded by declaring his mission of reaching into the lives of sinners so that they may receive salvation. His response should be the desire of every follower of Christ. We should seek to engage the sinners, outcast, and tax collectors in our world for the purpose of leading them to encounter Jesus as Savior and Lord. Jesus, in this passage, not only declared his mission but clarified the mission he calls his children to as well. 

As we reflect on this moment in Jesus’ ministry, may we consider our faithfulness in engaging sinners with the gospel. Do we ever become like gate keepers to the gospel and attempt to control who can be part of the kingdom of God? Are we faithful in reaching out and engaging people wherever they are and play a role in leading them to Jesus? Are you mirroring the ways of Jesus or the Pharisees?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.


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