These Men Called Deacons
Read the Text: Acts 6
Memorize the Text: They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. (Acts 2:42)
Consider the Text: Acts 6:1-7
In Acts 6, a conflict comes upon the church. The Hellenistic Jews held that their widows were overlooked, while the Hebraic Jews widows received ministry to meet needs. This tension created an atmosphere that could stop the movement of the church and the ministry of the apostles. Under the leadership of the Lord, the apostles called the church to select individuals to serve tables to divide the task of ministry among leaders in the congregation. Acts 6 provides the groundwork for the role and person of the deacon who serves in the local church.
We need to understand the CALLING of a deacon. The calling of deacons rested on the desire to see the ministry of God’s kingdom continue to impact the world. The formation of these deacons occurred to meet the local body of believers' needs and allow the apostles to continue in the gospel ministry. The selection of the deacons served to respond to the local body's division and needs and serve in a manner seeking to bring peace and harmony to the local body.
We need to know the CHARACTERISTICS of a deacon. The church in Acts 6 received the charge to select men of good reputations to serve. This characteristic meant that the men lived a life with a good reputation. Likewise, these men demonstrated a life that was full of the Spirit. Living Spirit-filled means the men followed the leading of the Holy Spirit throughout their life and did so in a manner that aligned with the ways of the Spirit. Thus, the men displayed godly wisdom because they sought the Lord in His Word and prayer. The deacon in the early church lived out their faith in life and exemplified a redeemed life.
We need to know the COMMITMENT of a deacon. The apostle made it clear in Acts 6 that their ministry centered on prayer and the preaching of the Word. As a result, the selected men devoted themselves to meeting needs, allowing the apostles to carry out their calling. They surrendered to the work of aiding the ministry in the local body so that the ministry of preaching, teaching, and prayer could occur. Thus, a deacon commits to helping the church by leading the need meeting ministry.
We need to see the proper COMMISSIONING from the church. The selection of deacons did not come through a popularity contest but instead through the prayerful consideration of the body. The church needed to select men who were spiritually mature and servant-hearted and commission them to serve the body. This commissioning set them apart to serve both the Lord and the body of believers.
We need to recognize God’s CONCLUSIVE work. God set the structure for deacons for the purpose of carrying out the mission and ministry of the church in the local body of believers and to the world. The work led to creating a people who desired to be part of a family and to participate in the life of the family of God. God’s work was not to be altered or adjusted, but the work and structure were conclusive for the church.
God designed the role of deacons to serve the tables in the local church. The formation of deacons centered on the task of being servants instead of focusing on decision-making. God formed a structure of unity and togetherness as the body works together to carry out the work of the cross. Though this looked at deacons, God calls each of us to a task in the local body of believers. What has God called you to do in order to serve the body of believers?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at