Standing for Jesus
Read the Text: Acts 7
Memorize the Text: He knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them!” And after saying this, he fell asleep (Acts 7:60)
Consider the Text: Acts 7
A standing ovation is considered one of the most special acknowledgments of a well-done job. The ovation includes the recognition of a job well done in the act of clapping and honoring one’s activity in standing. In Acts 7, Stephen serves the Lord in faithfulness, and as his life ends, he receives a well-done standing ovation from Jesus. As we reflect on Acts 7, we need to assess our life and see if we are living in a manner worthy of such a response from Jesus.
Stephen stood for Jesus in TRUTH. Stephen declared the message of redemption to his audience by telling of redemption’s history. He began with the Patriarchs and said of the scriptural truth of what God had promised and what Christ had done to offer eternal life. Stephen did not adjust the message he declared but believed that the Lord would honor the declaration of the truth. Luke tells us in Acts 7 that the listeners’ hearts were cut to the core by declaring the truth. Stephen modeled the importance for believers today to trust in and declare the truth that comes from the Lord alone. The truth contains the power to cut through the hardest of hearts and call people to repentance.
Stephen stood for Jesus in PRACTICE. Stephen did not give Jesus lip service concerning their relationship, but he put his faith in Christ into practice. Stephen looked around Jerusalem and saw that the people needed a Savior, not religion. So moved by his great passion for the people, he put his faith into practice through the practice of evangelism. Specifically, in this place, he practiced evangelistic preaching. He shared the truth and called them to repentance. Our relationship with Jesus must never become separated from our walk in life. The practices in our life need to point to Jesus, like the practices in Stephen’s life.
Stephen stood for Jesus in BOLDNESS. There is a tremendous cost to following Jesus. Stephen understood this cost and knew that standing in truth and boldness outweighed the cost. As Jesus declared the message of the Lord, the people grew angry and began to threaten his life. This threat moved from verbal warnings to the act of assault and murder as the people came against Stephen and stoned him. In the midst of this, Stephen never recanted or changed the message; instead, he asked the Lord to forgive the people for their response to the gospel and their act of murder. Would we stand in boldness like Stephen today? Could we ask the Father to forgive our enemies and attackers even when we face the most dreadful situations?
Jesus stood for Stephen in RECOGNITION. As Stephen drew his last breaths, he announced that he saw the Son of God standing to receive him. This act was an acknowledgment of the faithful life of Stephen. Jesus stood in honor of the faithful obedience of Stephen and the reality that he lived in the hope of Christ and did not fear death. Jesus honored Stephen because Stephen lived for him. Are we living in a manner that would honor Jesus? Would he find us worthy of a standing ovation?
The ministry of Stephen did not last long in earthly years, but his ministry reached into the future generations and impacted them for God’s kingdom. He modeled the approach to life that stands in boldness for the Lord and because of the Lord. This account reminds us of how God honors those who live for him. As we think about Acts 7, may we analyze our life and seek the Lord to be individuals who live out faith in a manner worthy of honor.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at