Counterfeit Christianity
Read the Text: Acts 8
Memorize the Text: He knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them!” And after saying this, he fell asleep (Acts 7:60)
Consider the Text: Acts 8
People claim to follow Jesus for a variety of reasons that do not form from a faith-based relationship with Jesus Christ. As a result, many self-proclaimed believers exist as nothing more than casual, cultural, or carnal Christians, which means they do not have an authentic relationship with Christ. When one lives in such a state, the individual dwells in lostness because of their lack of relationship with Jesus. For example, in Acts 8, Peter engaged a man called Simon the Magician. This individual modeled an individual who proclaimed a relationship with Christ but whose faith was counterfeit.
Simon the Magician revealed that people long for something GREATER than themselves. Simon desired to be accepted by others. People around him were receiving the gospel and being saved, and as a result, he followed the crowd. Simon did not find fulfillment in following the masses because he wanted to be the most powerful. He wanted control. He wanted to use his decision to follow Christ as a means to become wealthy and perform the works of the apostles for material gain. So he followed Jesus to gain value in the way people perceived him. Simon longed for something greater than himself and sought to misuse salvation to become greater and fulfill this longing.
Simon the Magician’s experience demonstrated the THREAT of counterfeit Christianity. When counterfeit Christianity exists, a temptation to trust in works appears. People could believe they are “good enough” to gain eternal life and do not need a faith-based relationship with Christ. A second threat comes through various religious rites. Some hold to walking an aisle, saying a prayer, or having a name on the church role as good enough for salvation. Simon the Magician went through the rituals of saying yes to Jesus but had not received him in faith.
The biggest danger to counterfeit Christianity is the deadly nature of the condition. Counterfeit Christianity leads one to eternal separation in hell from the Lord when ignored and allowed to provide false security because no relationship existed. The counterfeit Christian desires comfort over transformation, selfish benefit over sacrifice, and false security instead of a secure foundation.
Peter calls out Simon’s counterfeit faith and calls him to AUTHENTIC Christianity. When one has an authentic relationship with Christ, the heart seeks to live righteously. The objective of the believer is to live transformed and battle against living in a manner counter to the ways of the Lord. Such a transformation occurs because one has genuinely repented. Repentance comes when one admits sinfulness, seeks forgiveness and turns from their sinful ways. When believers live in this manner, they live surrendered to the Lord and abandon their rights and desires. This is what Peter declares to Simon the Magician and calls him to respond.
When you consider your relationship with the Lord, are you living in a state of authenticity? Are you like Simon the Magician and seek to associate with Christianity for selfish gain? It is vitally important to assess and ensure that you are engaged in an authentic relationship and not a counterfeit one.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at