Seeing Redemption at Work
Read the Text: Acts 9
Memorize the Text: He knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them!” And after saying this, he fell asleep (Acts 7:60)
Consider the Text: Acts 9
Luke wrote the story of the apostle Paul’s conversion in Acts 9. The event informs us, shows us, and reminds us of God’s transformational work. We notice that God takes the most grievous of sinners and transforms them into influential saints. As we think about Acts 9, may we see the power of redemption at work and how people respond to God’s work.
The moment of conversion on the road to Damascus revealed God’s GREAT REDEMPTIVE POWER. Saul, who would become the apostle Paul, had just received permission from the religious leaders of the day to hunt and pursue people who followed Christ to put them to death. Saul sought to destroy the church and ravage believers because he despised the movement. He existed as a hater of Christianity.
As Saul traveled, the Lord engaged him and called him to repentance. As the illumination surrounded Saul, he responded to the Lord and repented. Saul’s response rested in the moment of standing in the presence of the Lord and recognizing his true need. God’s power of redemption proved more powerful than the ways and intentions of humanity. Thus, we must remember today that the Lord’s power of redemption is more than enough to overcome any activity of people.
The Lord engaged a second man named Ananias. He received the call to go and meet with Saul to lead him in spiritual growth. This demonstrated the need for WALKING WITH OTHERS IN THEIR SPIRITUAL WALK. Interestingly, Ananias’ initial response to the Lord came with hesitancy. He had heard the stories of Saul’s ravaging of the church and hunting of believers, which led him to question God’s calling. God called Ananias to look past the understanding of the world and respond to his calling. Ananias’ response should warn believers today of the threat of neglecting to respond to others because of our perceived sinfulness.
Saul’s experience of redemption and the influence of Ananias empowered him to begin to SHARE THE GREATNESS OF THE LORD. Saul’s passion for Jesus overflowed, and they heard of the greatness of Christ, which declared the power of God to change a hardened heart. His visual change became supported by the verbal declaration of what God did in his life. This declaration and evidence led to the people being amazed at the message and led to others responding to the truth. The power in a changed life carries the news of declaring how one can receive a changed life.
As you think about your story with Christ, consider several questions. Where was the moment you received Jesus as Lord and Savior? What did Christ do for you when he redeemed you? How can others receive the gift of grace you have received? Answer these questions and form a declaration to share with others about what God has done in you and what he can do in them.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at