The Believer’s Garments
Read the Text: Colossians 3
Memorize the Text:
Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people.
(Colossians 3:12-13, CSB)
Consider the Text: Colossians 3:12-13
As a child of God, we are God’s chosen ones who receive the title of holy and beloved. This title existed for the children of Israel during the Old Covenant but became available to all in the New Covenant. Paul declared that ethnicity no longer existed as a divider but that every tribe and tongue could respond to the invitation of eternal life in Jesus Christ. The apostle noted that such a life meant that the believer removed the garments of the old nature and put on the new clothes available in Christ. These garments include compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, and forgiveness.
The apostle Paul lived in a world that neglected to show care to the needy or elderly. His charge to believers challenged them to live counter to the world’s mentality. Compassion means that the believer weeps with those who mourn, shows sorrow for those in need, and extends their heart toward others. When the believer puts on the garment of compassion, they see the needs of others and are moved deeply to respond because of the existence of compassion. Are you wearing the garment of compassion?
The apostle challenged the believers to live with the desire to extend kindness to others. The ability to show kindness comes when the focus of life centers on others and not the self. The desire for kindness exists as wanting to do good for others and positively impact their lives. The believer seeks to live out kindness because such a life reflects Christ, not the world. When you think about your life, do you wear the garment of kindness and extend kindness to others?
Paul declared that believers need to wear the garment of humility. This garment battled against pride, arrogance, and thinking too highly of oneself. When a believer lives in humility, they recognize their true value in the presence of the Lord and desire to make life about the living out of loving God and others. The existence of pride attempts to better the self at all costs, and humility seeks to impact others no matter the cost. Are you wearing the garment of humility?
The apostle called believers to wear the garment of meekness. The world defines meekness as weakness, but this definition does not correctly represent the meekness of a believer. Meekness exists in correlation to self-control. Meekness occurs when believers do not allow hard feelings toward others or harsh dealings with others to dominate life. Instead, meekness happens when Christians seek to deal gently with others in truth and love. Therefore, when we evaluate our thoughts and actions toward others, we need to assess if we are wearing the garment of meekness.
The apostle Paul charged believers to practice patience. Patience is the concept of longsuffering. When a believer demonstrates patience, they live in a manner that puts up with others for a long time and even endures difficulty from others for obedience to and demonstration of the cross. Therefore, if we negatively understand the garment of patience, we do not become irritated with others. Are you wearing the garment of patience?
Paul commanded believers to clothe themselves with the garment of forgiveness. The garment of forgiveness is difficult. The flesh wars against this act and often drives us away from forgiveness. The apostle clarified that our ability to forgive directly correlates to our forgiveness in Christ. Believers must forgive the way that Christ has forgiven them. When you look at your life, how are you at forgiving? Is the garment of forgiveness ever-present in your life?
When we enter a relationship with Jesus, we must change clothing. The garments of the old self must be removed, and we must place on the new garments that come only in Christ. The ability to wear these garments takes consistent effort and focus. We must pursue to live them out in our lives and constantly battle the threat from the garments of the old life. What garments of the old self keep you from completely wearing the garments of the new life?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at