Seeking Salvation on Our Terms

Read the Text: Mark 11

Memorize the Text:   But it is not so among you. On the contrary, whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you will be a slave to all. (Mark 10:43-44)

Consider the Text: Mark 11:1-11

Mark 11 distinguishes a transition in the Gospel. Mark journeys through the various components of Jesus' ministry in the previous chapters; now, he focuses on the passion week. This chapter opens with the familiar scene often celebrated on Palm Sunday. The first eleven verses focus on the arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem and the declaration of "hosanna" by the masses. Hosanna reflects praise to the Lord as the Savior and Rescuer. Thus, the crowds that will later shout for crucifixion seek Jesus as a Savior they desire and define. 

The crowd IDENTIFIED JESUS AS SAVIOR. The people in Jerusalem lived under the rule of Rome. They faced various forms of oppression and sought freedom from the reign of Rome. The people knew that Jesus had performed miracles and challenged the religious leaders of the day. These acts during his ministry formed a hope within the people that Jesus could save them from the tyranny of Rome and liberate them. Thus, the people cried out "hosanna" as a request of Jesus to work. 

The people identified Jesus as the Savior but misunderstood their true captivity. They missed the bondage of sin at the momentary oppression of Rome. The people sought release from the momentary and what they experienced instead of the condition of sinfulness that held them captive. People today fall into the same trap when they acknowledge Jesus as Savior but believe he is a Savior that makes everything better now. They recognize Jesus as Savior as the obtaining of fire insurance and not dealing with the reality of sin. 

The masses wanted SALVATION ACCORDING TO THEIR DESIRES. The people wanted Jesus to work in the manner they desired. They did not concern themselves with the genuine need Jesus saw but simply wanted him to respond to their request. They desired Jesus to be more of a genie in the bottle instead of the Savior of the world. They wanted Jesus to grant their wish without doing too much. They wanted freedom and comfort instead of genuine salvation.  

People today shout praise to the Lord in the form of a request for him to respond to the request of their lives. They treat Jesus as a magical genie instead of the world's Savior. They want Jesus to serve them instead of serving Jesus. The view of salvation places the person at the center of all activity and purpose instead of placing Christ at the center of it all. Such a mentality may verbally sound correct, but the actions of their life seek for Jesus to serve their desires. 

The gathered MISSED SALVATION BECAUSE IT DIDN'T MEET THEIR EXPECTATIONS. The crowd that declared Jesus as Savior becomes the crowd that declared Jesus as one deserving of death. They missed the true work of Christ at the moment because Jesus did not meet the expectations they placed on one who would save them. The unmet expectations of the flesh led to the rejection of their declaration because they misunderstood the person and purpose of Jesus. 

When people place improper expectations on Jesus and misunderstand who he is, then they miss the beauty of a genuine relationship with him. They become disappointed because they live in the hope of being served instead of a servant's attitude. They sought to gain in this world because of Jesus and missed the true eternal need of their soul. Such a reality should challenge us to evaluate how we view Jesus as Savior. 

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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