So Close, But So Far Away

Read the Text: Mark 12

Memorize the Text:   But it is not so among you. On the contrary, whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you will be a slave to all. (Mark 10:43-44)

Consider the Text: Mark 12:28-34

Jesus was approached by religious leaders of the day to attempt to trap him. The snare they tried to set rested on a question concerning the greatest commandment from the Lord. Jesus responded with the first and most important commandment and followed it with the second. The basic principle rested that we should love God with the entire heart, mind, soul, and strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves. The religious leader responded to Jesus with an affirmation of Jesus' declaration. Yet Jesus' response to the response informed the religious leaders that he was close to the kingdom of God, but not quite there. 

Jesus told the leader that HE KNEW THE RIGHT LANGUAGE. The religious man repeated the words of Jesus as an affirmation of Jesus' speaking of the truth. The language used reveals that the man knew the proper language to use when speaking of the Lord and the ways of the Lord. The issue comes as the appropriate language extends from the mouth but exists as void in life.

When we consider people's lives today, including our own, we must assess our hearts and lips to see if our actions and words align. The proper language does not guarantee one knows Jesus; instead, it only reveals that the person knows the facts of the truth. The issue comes as the heart reveals the true temperature of one's relationship and view of the Lord. Thus, we must not only hear the words of our lips, but we must analyze the motivation of our hearts.

Jesus informed the man that HE HAD THE NEEDED INFORMATION. The response of Jesus indicated that the needed information to form a relationship with the Lord was available to the man. He knew the commands and the expectations of the command and pointed to his understanding of the Old Testament scriptures. As a result, he would have known the prophecies concerning the coming Messiah. The religious leader had the needed information to hear the words of Jesus and see the ministry of Jesus and understand him as Messiah. Yet, we see that the man did not respond to the information.

We live in a time when the needed information concerning Jesus is readily available. Access to the Bible extends to a level that no generation before has ever had. Yet, many people know about Jesus but do not know Jesus. The needed information for understanding Christ and forming a relationship with him exists, but people are like the religious leader and still miss it. 

Jesus declared to the man that HE WAS CLOSE TO THE KINGDOM OF GOD. The man said the right words and affirmed the information he knew, but he did not have a personal relationship with Jesus. He closed in on the truth but failed to take the final step, and as a result, he remained close but not quite there. The religious leaders had the right answers but the wrong intention. He came so close to the kingdom of God and yet missed it. 

Today, we can come close to the kingdom of God and miss it. We can know about Jesus, attend a church, speak with the proper language and yet not know Jesus. We get close to Jesus. We approach and fail to respond in obedience. Thus, we are challenged to evaluate our lives to see if we are with Jesus or just close to Jesus. We need to guard that we have more than information but have experienced transformation. 

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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