As the End Draws Near

Read the Text: Mark 13

Memorize the Text:   Now concerning that day or hour no one knows – neither the angels in heaven nor the Son – but only the Father (Mark 13:32)

Consider the Text: Mark 13

Jesus spoke about the end times in Mark 13. His discourse covered several events, and cultural temperament as the end of the world grew closer. There are several different parts of this chapter that could be evaluated. Still, when we read the chapter as one unit, several critical truths exist concerning the believer's life as the end nears. 

First, the focus becomes on the SUCCESS OF RELIGION IN THE EYES OF HUMANITY. In the opening verses, one of the disciples declared to Jesus how beautiful and magnificent the temple was. The disciple reflected the focus on the temporary structure and seemed to miss the reality that the temple was only a building. The focus became on the structure instead of the Savior. The success of the temple centered on the building itself instead of the presence of God.  

The same temptation exists today. Believers can begin to glory in the structures of their church and begin to glorify the structure instead of the Savior. The mentality flows as if we have an excellent structure, the people will come. We can worship the building instead of worshipping in the building. How blind we can become when we celebrate the beauty of brick and mortar and allow it to distract us from Jesus. 

Second, CONSTANT TURMOIL WILL EXIST IN THE WORLD. Jesus told his followers that wars and rumors of war would exist as the end nears. As a result, the reality of peace would not be present, and the world would be defined as in constant turmoil and struggle. Jesus mentioned warfare and the struggle with nature in the form of natural disasters. When we gaze through history, we notice that these events have occurred. 

Today, as we reflect on this passage, the concept of war and rumors of war because nations and kingdoms are against nations and kingdoms rings true. We have heard, watched, and followed the occupation of Russia into Ukraine. This moment breaks our hearts for the people involved, but we should not be shocked because Jesus warned of such a reality as the end draws near. 

Third, BELIEVERS WILL FACE PERSECUTION. Jesus made the disciple aware of the reality of persecution. Living for Jesus in the end times would come with a significant cost. Jesus declared that those who stood for truth and the Lord would find themselves at odds with many in the world and face various forms of persecution and even death. This experience comes as a reality that believers endure just like their Master Jesus endured. 

We simply need to look again to Ukraine, where believers face the threat of death if they gather in this time of war. They have received warning from the invaders concerning the activity of worship, yet they chose to gather and worship the Lord. For these believers, persecution is real. Likewise, as the cultural norms shift, believers in the west will face new forms of persecution. The evidence of a genuine believer comes as one holds firm to the faith even through the pain, suffering, and persecution. 

Fourth, THE END CANNOT BE PREDICTED. Throughout the years, individuals have attempted to predict the date of the return of Christ. People have identified certain events to fulfill certain prophecies to form these dates. However, Jesus declared that not even the angels or himself knows the hour of the return, but only the Father has that information. Thus, the attempt to predict the end comes as a moot point. The truth comes in the guarantee that the return will occur and the need to be prepared for the return.

This past week has reminded us of the reality of Christ's description concerning the end times. As Russia invaded Ukraine, and even the dialogue leading up to that moment, we have been reminded of the turmoil. We are living and experiencing the wars and rumors of war. We have watched as natural disasters have impacted those around us. Each of these simply reminds us that the end draws closer. The key component is that we pray for our brothers and sisters enduring these moments and that we would be prepared for the end. 

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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