Spiritual Split Personality

Read the Text: Romans 7

Memorize the Text:  

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

(Romans 6:23, CSB)

Consider the Text: Romans 7:14-25

A split personality occurs when an individual seems to act as multiple different people at various times. A split personality appears as if two or more personalities exist in a singular individual. In a spiritual sense, a spiritual split personality occurs as believers battle between living in holiness and unholiness. The back and forth of faithfulness demonstrates a constant struggle with a spiritual split personality. The apostle Paul detailed the reality of this condition and the struggle between a life of holiness and unholiness in Romans 7:14-25.

Believers need to recognize the reality of TWO PERSONALITIES. The apostle Paul defined two competing personalities in 7:14. He mentioned the personality of the spiritual. This life battled to live in righteousness and faithfulness. The desire of these individuals seeks to live for the things of the Lord and to carry these things out according to the guidelines of God's kingdom. On the flip side, Paul mentioned the personality of sin. Such a life seeks to live for the moment and often responds based on feelings and what outcome is desired for the elevation of the self. The personality of sin seeks to cause the spiritual personality to stumble and become held captive by the personality of sin. We must understand the existence of these two different personalities and the constant nature of the battle between them.

Believers must see the reality of the PRESSURES. The pressure between the personalities becomes heightened by the threat of living in our power. When we seek to live by our strength, we set a course of sin and failure because of our true weakness. The individual rests in their strength and not the Lord's attempts to navigate life on a foundation that shifts and fails. Thus, failure brings the existence of emptiness and longing that recognizes a need for something greater. Therefore, when we live by our strength, we become defeated and live defeated.

The New Testament provides a four-step PROCESS to combat the pressure of living for the personality of sin. First, according to Galatians 5:16, we must delight in the Word of the Lord. This step centers on the knowledge and placing God’s Word in one’s life. Second, 2 Timothy 2:22 declares that we must run from sin. We cannot play around with sin and believe we will be okay. To run from sin means that we flee even the place we know could lead to the temptation of sin. Third, we must confess and seek forgiveness according to 1 John 1:9. Such a moment means that, as believers, we acknowledge our alternative personality and ask for forgiveness when we have lived according to it. Fourth, we must guard ourselves in the Lord. Ephesians 6:13-18 detailed the available armor of God for battle. This armor reveals the constant need of the Lord and what the Lord has provided so that we might live in victory.

Every believer still battles the spiritual split personality. Moments of faithfulness and unfaithfulness exist in our lives. We must set a course for combating this constant struggle through reliance upon the Lord and consistent spiritual growth treatment steps. How are you battling the spiritual split personality today? Are you growing toward living out a personality of holiness more than the alter-personality of unholiness?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.


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