Who is Able to Stand?
Read the Text: Revelation 6
Memorize the Text:
Remember, then, what you have received and heard; keep it, and repent. If you are not alert, I will come like a thief, and you have no idea at what hour I will come upon you
(Revelation 3:3 CSB)
Consider the Text: Revelation 6:15-17
John introduces us to six seals in Revelation 6. The sixth seal reveals the judgment and wrath pouring out upon the earth. The leaders, the rich, the powerful, and the generals flee to hide in the caves. The situation becomes so difficult that these world leaders and influencers request death by the mountains caving on them. John closed this section by asking who can stand when the wrath comes. This question should challenge us today to understand how to stand in the coming last days.
The Influencers of The World Cannot Stand
The leaders of this world attempt to shape humanity to match their vision of utopia. These leaders trust in worldly wisdom and seek to redefine and reimagine the world God has already defined and formed. Such leaders rest on their authority for value and believe they can rescue a broken world. Thus, they battle a god complex. The truth becomes that no leader attempting to lead from human ability and authority can stand in the presence of the Lord.
John continued to indicate that, like the influencers, the free and the enslaved people hid on the day of wrath. However, the people did not need to be influencers alone to run from the coming wrath because, before the presence of the Lord, the influencers of the world and every other individual stands on equal ground. Each cannot appease the wrath of God through personal accomplishments or righteousness, but all live with the inability to stand before the Lord.
The Faithful Alone Can Stand
The greatness of God’s wrath revealed the inability of those without a relationship with the Lord to stand in his presence. Therefore, this prophecy should charge us to look into scripture and see if anyone could ever stand. Two examples stick out, Isaiah and Stephen. There are several traits that each of these men held to have the ability to stand before the Lord, but both had the needed personal relationship.
Isaiah stood before the Lord and responded in humility. He knew the holiness of God and his unworthiness. Thus, he cried out that he deserved death when in the presence of the Lord. Isaiah’s relationship with the Lord was honored, and the Lord allowed him to be in his presence without death and provided the way to be purified.
Stephen stood in the presence of the Lord as he faced the violent persecution that led to death. He lived in a manner that brought Jesus to a standing position to receive him into eternity. Stephen was able to stand against the persecution and in the presence of the Lord because of his authentic deep faith in the Lord. Thus, he modeled how we can stand in faith.
Revelation contains many prophecies that challenge us to understand their meaning. We can spend lots of time attempting to figure out what the Lord is attempting to reveal and what it all means. Yet, at the same time, it is important that we grasp some of the important truths, like how we can have the ability to stand before the Lord. So the question remains, “Who can stand?”
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.