Are You In Motion or Going Through the Motions

A church growth expert once stated, “The church could have the Spirit removed and still continue on in the status quo for fifty years and never realize the removal of the Spirit.” In the same way, the follower of Christ can fall prey to moving from a vibrant relationship with Jesus to a relationship that becomes predictable, functional, and routine. The dimming of zeal progresses toward apathy and the person finds their spiritual walk nothing more than a process of going through the motions.

The Apostle John received a vision on the isle of Patmos and wrote down the vision received from the Lord. This work became known as the Book of Revelation and this is the book that concludes the New Testament. In chapter 2, the Apostle launched into declarations given to seven churches that were from the Lord. The first seven verses focus on the church in Ephesus. These verses challenge us to be believers in motion and not believers going through the motions.

First, God commended certain works of the church in Ephesus. The Lord declared that many of the works of the church in Ephesus were good. The commendation indicated that the activities were proper and right. In fact, the Lord stated that the labor the Ephesians performed was carried out well. They worked hard in the things they did. The church in Ephesus stood for the truth by bearing the name of the Lord and continued in the work.

The church in Ephesus received encouraging words due to their work. Their identity could be associated with the work of their hands. Like the church in Ephesus, believers today can be faithful and obedient in following the Lord. They can participate in the proper activities and make the proper stands for truth. They can bear the name of the Lord and appear as if they are faithful in service. The commendation given to the church in Ephesus could be extended to many today. But the Lord saw past the mere activity of the church in Ephesus and knew that the church participated in the good work while going through the motions and as a result the Lord condemned the church in Ephesus.

Second, God condemned certain characteristics of the church in Ephesus. The Lord declared that the first love of the church had dwindled. The initial spark that ignited the heart was now gone and the wow factor of salvation had worn off. The passions and zeal for serving the Lord no longer dwelt in their lives and as a result the church was doing nothing more than participating in good activities without a true desire and this resulted in walking through the motions.

A believer that walks through the motions attends church, participates in the activities of the church, and appears outwardly to be faithfully following. The problem rests not on the external, but instead on the internal. The internal backing of the activities is void because the believer has forgotten the purpose of bringing God glory, the mission of taking the Gospel to the world, the calling to be the laborers for the Kingdom, and the goal of fulfilling the leading and the commands of the Lord. Far too often, the person walking through the motions rests in the activities and dismisses the condition of the heart. To the times in life when such an attitude dominates, the Lord commands a response.

Third, God commands a certain response of the church in Ephesus. The Lord demanded that the church remember their past. The calling was to remember the moment of salvation and the faithfulness of the Lord through the journey. It was a call to recall the initial love that existed in the relationship with the Lord. The Lord likewise called the church to repentance and return. The church was to recognize the state of walking through the motions and was to return to the place of being a church in motion. They were to recall and return to the reason of the motion. To bring God glory. To obey the Lord. To see souls saved.

Similarly, when we find ourselves walking through the motions, we must begin by remembering our salvation and the faithfulness of the Lord. From this remembrance, we ought to seek repentance from the Lord because we recognize our current state and seek to move back to the desired state of the Lord. The repentance leads us to return and forsake walking through the motions and move to a place of being in motion.

How is your spiritual walk? Are you performing good deeds with the wrong or no intention? Are you spiritually walking through the motions? If so, why not take the steps of remembering, repenting, and returning to the place of walking in motion due to a relationship with the Lord.


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