The Benefits of Life’s Storms

A group of researchers in Arizona created this building known as the Biosphere. The Biosphere was formed to mirror the earth’s growing conditions in a controlled environment. The scientist controlled the environment by removing the elements that could cause harm to the trees such as wind, disease, drought, or over watering. The scientist predicted that the trees would grow and produce bountiful fruit because the tree was in prime growing conditions.

After some time passed, the researchers noticed that the trees began to die as fruit came on the branches. This occurrence confused the researchers and further study occurred. The research revealed that the trees died because of the absence of wind. The wind that came against the trees prepared the trees to bear fruit because the wind strengthened the trees. Without the wind the trees were weak and unable to bear fruit.

Storms in the life of people work the same way. When people are void of storms in life, then the life is not strong enough to navigate many of life’s issues. In the life of the believer, the storms in life aid in the preparation for having the strength to produce fruit as a believer. The fruit that comes from growth in one’s relationship with the Lord as demonstrated in the existence of the fruit of the Spirit and the fruit that comes from engaging people with the gospel.

The Gospel of Mark tells us that Jesus uses storms to prepare us for the journey ahead. In Mark 6:45-52, we have the account of Jesus walking on the water to the disciples in the midst of the storm. In this account, one finds that believers are not free from the storms in life. The passage opens by Jesus commanding the disciples to depart ahead of him on the boat and he would meet back up with them. The command of Jesus was given in His knowledge that the storm was brewing. The directive of Jesus knew that the storm would be difficult for the disciples, but an opportunity for great growth. Jesus did not exempt his disciples from the storm, but instead used the storm to prepare them for something greater.

Mark continued by showing the difficulty of the storm in mentioning that the disciples were straining at the oars battling the wind. The battle of the storm was hard and straining, but in the midst of the battle comes an amazing truth. The Bible states that Jesus came to them in the storm. Jesus walking on the water was the method He chose to come alongside of them and to reveal that He was walking with them through the difficulty of the storm. It is based in the promise made earlier that he would meet them. Today, people battle the storms and often lose focus on Jesus. Jesus meets us in the storms and walks alongside of us through the struggle.

As Jesus comes alongside the disciples in the storm, He called out to them to give assurance. Jesus declared to them to “Have Courage. It Is I. Do Not Be Afraid.” When the storm rages Jesus called to them to trust in Him for the strength to endure. Jesus called them to trust in Him as the deliverer. Jesus did this through drawing a picture back to the Exodus when the Lord declared that He is the “I AM.” As a result, Jesus called the disciples to not be afraid, but instead have faith in the midst of the storm. The same words come to His children today in the midst of storms. Jesus calls us to have courage and to not fear, but instead believe in Him. Through all of this, Jesus calmed the storm. Jesus was the one who calmed the storm and brought peace to the situation. The same is true today. In the midst of the storm, it is Christ who brings peace and calm to the moment. Jesus is the source of endurance through the storm and the source of peace after the storm.

Often, we want to be the trees in the biosphere, exempt from the elements that cause strain in life. Such a life becomes weak and not able to produce the fruit of the Christian walk. Instead, the wind and storms in life prepare us for producing fruit. Don’t see the storms of life as a negative, but face them in light of who Christ is and as the one source to bring strength and growth.


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