Let Faith Guide You

Throughout time, the story of David and Goliath has been taught in Sunday School classes and proclaimed in sermons. Often, the one teaching or preaching has charged the listeners to be like David by facing one’s fears and overcome them in victory. The problem is that this passage is not about a scared shepherd boy facing the military giant with fear and trembling, rather it is a story that depicts a shepherd boy whose faith in God is so great that fear of Goliath does not exist.

As the story unfolds in 1 Samuel 17, one finds several important realities about living in faith. First, note that those who were fearful were not relying on God. David never showed any signs of fear. In fact, the ones who were fearful in the story were the leaders and the military. When reading, one finds that it is the King and the warriors who hide when Goliath calls for battle. The fear of these individuals centered on what they were humanly experiencing and perceiving. They had lost sight on the past victories and the current promises of the Lord.

Second, recognize David did not trust in the weapons of man, but relied on the strength of the Lord. David never flinched when he heard Goliath’s challenge. Instead, David looked at those paralyzed in fear and boldly stepped out in faith to accept the challenge. As the King agreed to allow David to battle, he attempted to place on David his armor and weaponry. This weighed David down and ultimately David removed it and went to battle with nothing but simple stones and a sling. David did not rely on the methods or weapons of man, but rather trusted completely in the power of God to use him as an instrument of victory.

Third, notice that David never second-guessed God’s ability, but rather marched forward with complete trust. When David took the step toward Goliath, a pause did not occur because fear had been conquered by faith. When Goliath mocked the Lord, David gave all honor to the Lord. When Goliath saw humor, David saw God’s glory. When Goliath assumed easy victory, David knew of guaranteed victory. David never backtracked, but stepped out in faith and never stopped stepping in faith.

When approaching life, which scenario best describes you? Are you living in uncertainty and fear like the nation of Israel and her leaders or are you living in the faith like the shepherd boy? Do you know the one true God who gives you the strength and power for the journey? To live in faith like David must begin with a personal relationship by faith with Jesus Christ.


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