The ABC’s of Getting Out of Our Way

Many times life feels like a journey that travels in reverse instead of forward. We seemingly make a step forward in the right direction only to find us falter and stumble two steps in reverse. Often these struggles result from our conflicts and stumbling blocks that we place in our path. It is like we cannot move forward in life because we cannot get out of our way.

If you struggle with this issue, know that you are not alone. The Apostle Paul himself shared, “I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.” (Romans

7:15). In the same way, the Apostle Peter invariably discovered a way to trip himself up. On the water walking toward Jesus, the Apostle lost focus and became distracted by his fear (Matthew 14:22-33). Later Peter would step forward in his faith in declaring that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God (Matthew 16:13-20), only to trip himself up later in the denying of Jesus (Luke 22:54-62). To help us battle our landmines, let’s look at the ABC’s of getting out of our way.

First, A = Accept Humanity. Even as a follower of Christ, a believer must acknowledge their humanity. As an individual following Jesus, you will face constant temptation and trials (James 1). As the Apostle Paul and Peter, there will be moments when the desires and ways of the flesh will cause you to falter and trip. Such occurrences ought to lead us to a place of repentance and should not be ignored. Likewise, these moments of missteps cannot become to the demise of our journey

It is critical that we accept our humanity meaning that we accept that we are not perfect. We accept that we have limitations and battles. We accept that moments of falling does not indicate that we cannot serve the Lord, but rather accept that God offers forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration.

Second B = Be Prayerful. One of the greatest weapons against the struggle of sinful flesh happens in the power of prayer. Prayer is the avenue of conversation in which we seek the strength to overcome temptations and the leading of the Lord in life. Being prayerful develops a pathway to ask forgiveness when we have faltered and a way in which the Lord can reaffirm His love and work in our lives. We see Jesus reaffirms Peter after his denials in John 21 and He does the same for His children in prayer. To battle through the temptations and to seek to get back on the path, we must be prayerful.

Third C = Commit to the Goal. Just like a runner must commit to finishing the race, so must a believer be committed to the goal of completing life’s race. Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, “I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” (Philippians 3:14). When running a race in cross country, I once fell and scraped up my body. I had a choice to make, get up and commit to finishing the race or quit. After the fall, I pulled myself up and continued to complete the race. In the same way, the believer must commit to the goal of living for Jesus faithfully and finishing all the way to the end. This completion only occurs when we are entirely committed to living faithfully and obediently journeying with Jesus.

Are you struggling with getting in your own way? If so, the first step to overcome it is entering into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. From there, a believer can battle well and overcome the missteps by merely following the ABC’s, ACCEPT your humanity, BE prayerful and COMMIT to the goal.


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Walking in Step with the Spirit